HD music media streaming

I have a Linn DS network music streamer previously used with a LaCie NAS drive to stream HD music files up to 192Khz/24 bit. The LaCie died.
I now have a WD EX2 Ultra which works well doing Time Machine backups etc.
I have loaded all my music files on to the WD in the Public folder.
I installed the Twonky app on the WD drive.
The Linn DS, using the Linn app, can see the Twonky server, but cannot access the music files by album, genre or artist.
Has any body got any suggestions, or am I trying to do something the WD cannot do?
Incidentally, The Linn DS happily streams Apple Music (was iTunes) as an Air Play device, or using my M3 iMac as an iTunes server, but only up to CD standard 44.1Khz/16bit.

I don’t know the answer to the question. . . .but I am curious how the Linn DS system works on a network.

Is this basically a music server? Select files. . .and this device acts as a DAC? Is it reading your network via DLNA? My understanding is that TWONKY acts as a DLNA server that runs as program on your NAS.

I don’t know if Twonky still works on the OS/5 system these days. . .but you basically need a DLNA music server somewhere on your network.

I went through this drama a while back. I ultimately gave up and simply bought a USB driven DAC (I chose an ifi) and use a stupid media program on a PC (WMP for goodness sakes!) as the media server.

(the location of the file storage is just about irrelevant to this conversation!)

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My previous network RAID drive was a LaCie Big2NAS, which had Twonky installed, and functioned as a media server.

LaCie (Seagate) no longer do network drives and do not support them any more, which is why I bought the WD.

The WD My Cloud EX2Ultra is a 2 bay NAS drive configured as a RAID drive. It does Apple Time Machine backups and works fine.

My problem is to get it to work as a media server using the Twonky app. Twonky Server says that it offers DLNA and UPnP server capability

Linn DS is a network music player. Mine is a Majik DS, same as the DSM but without built in amplification. Details on this link.

Audio Formats FLAC, ALAC, WAV, DSD (64/128), MP3, WMA (except lossless), AIFF, AAC, OGG

Resolution Up to 24-bit 192 kHz

Integrated Services TIDAL, Qobuz, Spotify Connect, Airplay, Roon, TuneIn, Calm Radio

I wish I could help you here. I mean. . serving as network storage and running a media server for DLNA is a PRIMARY use case for any NAS.

I have struggled with this for a while.

Unfortunately, I have not run Twonky for a very long time. It USED to work just fine. . .but I used to run it on the old O/S3 software for the WD NAS units. . . . now I have moved onto another solution. . . .which is basically to use a standard PC to run the media server. I did this not because of the failings of the NAS; but rather my own personal situation (I switch locations . . . and the NAS stays in a single location).

{/rant} It seems to me that “enthusiast” solutions for music listening in this era are . . . a bit pathetic. All the setups are VERY adhoc. All the methods seem to be reliant on a clunky Software interface at some stage. I liked the era when we had quality 5 disc changers. Buy a CD player. . .use RCA plugs to a preamp and you are set. NOW. . .you have a digital library and you have to figure out how to get a MP3 or FLAC file on a hard drive to an analogue pre-amp.

My solution today is: Music files on a LARGE USB key (portability). Use a PC running my favorite music player software (currently WMP - - -I mean. . .do I need more?) . . .with a PC USB connection to a “reasonable” desktop DAC (USB digital in - - - > analogue RCA output), and then to the stereo system out to the speakers)

I like to think this is higher quality result than bluetooth from my cheap MP3 player (an ipod touch circa 2012) to the Receiver. . .but I could be convinced otherwise. {/rant}

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From MyCloud dashboard, could you check under menu SETTINGS/NETWORK if WEB DASHBOARD SERVISES are ON?
If so, turn both of them OFF and check the result.
If fixed, you may try to enable one of them each time and see what will happen.

By default these two parameters are ON. My streamer does not see the files of MyCloudEX2U, unless I turn them OFF.

Also you may check if SHARED FOLDERS under menu SETTINGS/SHARING of TWONKY dashboard are correct.

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Thanks Ika,

Your second suggestion to check the Twonky folder settings solved the issue.

Not being familiar with Lynx, I had initially typed ‘/Public’ into the add folder list.
What I now realise is that it has to be done through ‘browse’ and select ‘/public’.

It worked. I then turned Web Dashboard Services HTTPS Redirect back on. All good.

Linn DS is now happily playing 96Khz 24 bit version of Eric Clapton 461 Ocean Boulevard.

Thanks again. Much appreciated.

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To set up your WD My Cloud EX2Ultra as a media server with Twonky, ensure Twonky is installed and configured correctly. Twonky supports DLNA and UPnP, which should work with your Linn Majik DS player and services like Spotify Premium. Check network settings for device discovery and consider updating firmware if needed.

Thanks Enzo. The problem was solved last May 4, after a suggestion from Ika.