I want to stream videos, photos, and music from my WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra NAS drive to the two TVs that are conncted to my home network. One is a Roku TV and the other a LG TV. Please recommend step-by-step instructions that a non-technical person can follow.
You need to enable the DLNA media server on your NAS. Read the following:
Then make sure the share location with your media is set for media sharing. You can create a new, dedicated share location if you wish. By Default, you would use the “Public” share.
Since I don’t know what Roku or LG TV you have, you should consult the owner’s manual to see if you already have an app you can stream. If not, you will need to install an app. There are many apps available for free. I use VLC on my TVs (with Firestick) and have the apps on my iPhone and Windows PC so I can view them on all my devices.
To enable DLNA with Twonky Server, it says to click Apps on the Navigation bar. Where will I find this navigation bar?
I think I found the Apps button on the navigation bar of the WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra dashboard. However, on clicking the Apps button, it shows “No Internet access”. This is in spite that the Home tab shows Connected cloud access. Also, on the Apps tab, it does not show any installed app.
The Apps tab shows the option to install apps manually. Where do I go to find the Twonky Server app? Thanks.
My EX4 is on OS3 so my screens may be a bit different. WD shut off internet access on OS3 some time ago so I can’t address that issue.
In the Dashboard, use the menu bar (boxed in green green) to go to settings (circled in red). Once in settings select Media on the left (in blue). Then set the slider on DLNA Media Server to ON (boxed in red).
Next go back to the menu bar and select Shares (circled in red). Scroll down the column of shares until you find the share you want to store your media. You may already have folders in Public for Shared Pictures, Shared Video and Shared Music. If you want to use these, then make sure you turn on Media Serving (boxed in red) for the share.
Now, start putting your media into the proper folders. Twonky will start building the index. Depending on how much you have media you have, this could take a while. I would add only a small amount of each at first to verify it works with your devices. You can track the index by going back to the Settings/Media. You see the count of how many music files, pictures and videos you have.
If you don’t have the Twonky server, and you still have the internet issue, you’ll need to address that. Rather than Twonky, there are other rmedia servers as well. Plex is a popular one.
The Settings on my Dashboard does not have the Media option.
I have not been able to install the Twonky server because the Apps section shows No Internet access. So, I have not been able to make any progress. I cannot be alone with the Dashboard that I have. I hope that someone will be able to offer a solution.
Unfortunately this thread is of no use for you or the readers because you have posted in the wrong subforum and someone may have replied with unhelpful information. The purpose of a subforum dedicated to My Cloud EX2 Ultra for example, is for familiar readers of such a device to share expertise with those owners of the same device.
Try this subforum discussion here at the My Cloud EXsubforum:
To all the My Cloud Home owners and readers of this MC Home subforum:
None of these apply to the My Cloud Home device. You will be totally confused by the features and webapp and servers being posted earlier simply because it was started in the wrong subforum. The original poster’s device is completely different in hardware and operating software as the MC Home.
The My Cloud Home has never had the Twonky media server and never will.
I have asked my question in the My Cloud EX subforum. Thanks.