I’ve been having some problems doing a backup of my Mac with Time Machine … it gives me a message like “Time Machine could not delete the backup disk image”. So I decided to update my firmware today, which went by without a hitch, but I still can’t access the “Backups” link my the mybooklive portal … it complains about network connectivity or something. I see in Settings → Utilities, there is a Diagnostics test, so I did the Quick Test, which was supposed to take 2 minutes, but it’s been 20 minutes or so and it’s been stuck at 90% for almost the entire time.
Any ideas what could be wrong? And what should I try to do to remedy this?
I have exactly the same problem, however, doing a full factory restore is not an option. This drive is used to store all of my data and to back it all up would take forever considering that i have no other disc large enough to temporarily transfer the data onto.
I have also discovered that there are multiple .DS store files in most folders. (we use macs)
Further issues are that several operations are impossible to complete, we get -50 errors when trying to delete some files and which then prove forever unable to be deleted. We have similar errors when trying to delete folders, getting the message that the item is in use, which obviously being a folder, it is not.
Presently not at all confident in this drive. Was considering getting another but now not sure.
Diagnostic test also gets stuck at 90%. I am using a MAC. Does WD have any suggestions? I am really not very confident about continued use of this drive if I cannot run a diagnostic test. Is there a disc utility that can access a network drive?
im also having this problem along with quite a few others i see
wheres the WD assistance ??? i dont see any input from them
i cant do a factory restore - it took 15 hours to copy my data across
the reason i am trying to run this is because i am having installation issues with setup not finish properly and not allowing the book name or drive letter to be changed.
Same problem with two MBLD units. Meanwhile, both units run constantly, with their green light blinking. In one case, while copying over data in successive tranches, when I was at 2TB and copying the last tranche (mostly small document files), I began getting a message saying that there was not enough memory to copy and that to complete the copying process would take 42,365 days and 12 hours. WD help suggests returning both untis and trying again. No theory as to cause of the problem. Does anyone out there have a theory: factory glitch in either software or hardware?
Spoke furher with WD, which said they theorize the problem arises from corruption during automatic download of firmware. They suggest that when prompted to download firmware, always hit cancel, then go to website, download the firmware to your hard drive and install from your hard drive. This reduces the chances of corruption, which indeed seems to create problem that cannot be resolved short of a factory reset or even a return in exchange for a new unit. Sad, perhaps, but also evidently true. If someone has a better solution, however, I am of course all ears.
I just bought the 6TB live duo and am having many problems with it, one of them is that it will not get past 90% for the diagnostic as described in this thread. I tried to disable remote access, no luck. I have the most current firmware although I have not tried to reinstall it.
Other problems seem to include slower than expected performance, especially the dashboard interface, holy cow that is slow, sometimes takes 15-20 seconds just to switch between menus. Drive transfer speeds are a little slower than expected but then again I can’t expect blazing speeds with green drives. I am running it on gigabit Ethernet and I typically have no problems transferring files between computers at speeds that are probably limited by HDD read/write speed (~100 MB/sec). If I am transferring large files (movies) I usually see around 30-35 megabytes per second. If I am transferring a bunch of little files such as documents, the speed drops quite a bit, down to around 10 megabytes per second. I am running it in RAID 1 so that may explain some of the performance loss.
To my knowlege it has not been solved. Overall I am only somewhat satisfied with my live duo. It usually runs fine, but a few times, it has locked up and my only option was to unplug it, then I was scared because the data did not become available for about 20 minutes while it was repairing itself or something. Data write speeds are not stellar; I usually get about 30-40 Mbps with large files, much slower speeds with small files. And the user infterface to manage teh device is horribly slow. Maybe there is no option but to lay out $700+ to get a system that works better, but I am usually of the opinion that if it can’t be done right, it isn’t worth doing. Because I still do not 100% trust this NAS even with Raid 1, I still back up to a USB disk once every week or so.
Turning off remote worked for me, but does that help? is the test scanning the drives or the network? if its the latter then does that mean my network is improperly configured?