Deleted user and one share shows now empty

The share was created when the user was created. I accidentally deleted the user, had a couple of other problems to reconnect under WIN 10 Pro and had finally to proceed with a 40 sec reset. This should normally not erase date but the private share having the same name than the deleted user shows as empty. How to recover these files?

Thanks for the support.

Hi CloClo,

40 second reset is not data destructive, so I would recommend you to contact WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

The link below will allow you to call support.

Yes, I know but apparently corrupted the access even for the admin. I finally solved the problem by unmounting and connecting one HD to my PC. This allowed to access the data and store it on another USB drive. I then proceeded to a factory restore (yes, it take some time) and now it running again as a charm.

Thanks in any case for trying to help.