Dashboard Password

Hi All,

I have a WD MyCloud Mirror 3TB using it with MacOSX. I have two problems.

  1. I forgot my dashboard password. I have tried to reset the pwd resetting the HD as it is explained in the web page (hold for 5 secs the reset button in the back of the HD). According to the web page, the user and pwd should be reseted to USER:admin PWD:(no pwd). But in my case, nothing happened. I can´t still login in.

  2. I tried to access to the dashboard because I have this main problem. While I am in my home network, I can access to the drive in two different ways. The first one is using the WD My Cloud App, the second one is just using the Finder and navigating in SHARED Drives.

But, when I am not at home, I can´t see the drives in the finder, I can only access the data using the WD My Cloud App, which is not my favourite way. So I would like to have my drives all the time my drive in the under SHARE DRIVE in the Finder. Is there any way to set this up?



  1. Did the MCM reboot itself when you did that? If not then I suspect you didn’t hold it down for long enough. Try again and hold the reset button until the MCM reboots. If not I think you can do something similar from cold (start with the MCM shut down and then hold down the reset button and turn it on. You need to keep the reset button held in for a longer period in that case (about a minute iirc) but it may be another alternative.

  2. You can’t. The only way you can access the MCM whilst off your local network is either to use the WD apps as you already have, or use some other method like a VPN to connect into your local network directly, at which point you can use the MCM “normally” as essentially you will be connected to your local network as if you were sat at home.

Hi DarrenHill,

Thanks for your answer!

After pressing the reset button, I thought it was reseted as the power led, started blinking blue, then it changed to yellow for a few seconds and later on continued blinking blue until it was steady… I will try again holding the reset button for a longer time.

I will try to make a vpn, but that will take me some time.

Another thing, is that I have all my iTunes library in the MCM, but when I am outside my home network, I am not able to play the music. Is there any way to configure that without the vpn?


Personally I doubt it, but as I don’t use iTunes I can’t help you there I’m afraid.

Someone else who lets Apple into their lives will have to comment hopefully…