I have had intermittent - but increasingly frequent - connection problems between my SONOS system and the MyCloud Home duo that has all my music folders on it. Working out the cause is proving a bit complicated in part because I know my Broadband internet service is rather patchy at times.
I’ve narrowed down the issue - I think … and would just like to check something with the forum.
The SONOS system generally plays music from a streaming service such as AMAZON without problems. It will also usually play OK when I feed direct to my play1 speakers. The issue happens when I play through the connect amp to wired speakers. With compressed files (e.g., iTunes downloads) there is usually no problem. With uncompressed folders (usually ALAC), the connection will usually drop out.
Does the MyCloud have a problem with uncompressed files? Is it the size of the file (therefore possibly the flakiness of my internet) that is the problem, or might the issue lie somewhere else in the system?
I’ve done the tweaks suggested to me by both SONOS and WD tech support (the latter is not proving especially helpful though).
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting: https://support-en.wd.com/app/ask
Hi KerriYes I have reported this issue as a support case. If only! If only it were true that the WD tech support team did provide the best assistance and trouble
shooting!! This has not been my experience. So far, the advice has amounted to little more than rebooting my device and changing the cabling. I also find the resources to which I am referred practically incomprehensible … full of jargon, and links within links within links to other resources that are not obviously relevant.
I need to do some more testing but so far the connection between the My Cloud Home and my SONOS system seems to be working! Eventually got there by changing the channel on the modem (several times to find one that worked) and changing the ethernet connection & port (several times - settling in the end on the oldest cable I had available).
But accessing the drive is proving impossible with the recent changes introduced by WD (ironically in an effort to improve my experience). I used to be able just to drag and drop files as the drive was accessible in Mac finder. I don’t know what I am doing wrong now but file transfers take ages and inevitably return error messages.