Not Connecting to Sonos

I have had a MyCloud connected to my Sonos system for a year with no real problems. However in the last week it continually says on the Sonos app “MyCloud Home has a full outage”.

I have tried to restart my MyCloud Home and remove and reauthorise the MyCloud service on the Sonos app all with the same result. It did work for a few minutes after that but stopped again.

Any suggestions? Has their been a firmware update recently for MyHome which may have caused an issue?

This is happening to me, too. I updated the Sonos firmware and it still isn’t working.

My system says the same thing. I can connect through the McCloud app, but SONOS shows MyCloud as a full outage. It occurred after losing my internet connection and having to replace a defective router. SONOS works on other source connections like Pandora. What to do?

I recently changed my router to a TP Link Archer 53. Could that be the problem?

I can access MyHome via the app but just now on sonos

Investigating - We’ve identified a problem with My Cloud Home on Sonos and are working with them on a fix. You may be unable to start playing music from My Cloud Home until it’s resolved. Check our status page for updates while we work to fix this.

Just seen this on Sonos Support page