I’ve built a few systems with WD drives and had no problems until I installed two 2TB GP drives a few months back. These are internal SATA drives in an Intel system where they serve mainly as file archive storage drives. Typically any file transfers are unattended so I did not notice the problem until recently.
The transfer rate seems is always around 1.5-1.8MB/s. Swap the drive out and put in an older 1TB drive and the transfer rate jumps back up to the high 40s. Everything else is the same. And it happens with both 2TB drives. All diagnostics show nothing wrong with the drives (LCC count seems normal for about 3 months of usage? A couple of hundreds?) They are just slow at transferring files to and from these drives. Try two file transfers to the same 2TB drive and the TOTAL transfer rate is still 1.5-1.8MB/s. There seems to be a transfer rate cap on the drives. Other operations like formatting/etc also take an abnormally long time, 12 hours to format a 2TB drive versus a few hours for a drive, half the size?
Frankly, I can live with this issue. Turns out the customer just wants to store his anime, home video/etc, but I’m rather worried as to other issues. The last time I had a drive this slow was when it was a floppy disk drive. I’ve googled and search this board as well and found quite a few threads regarding slow transfer rates on the newer WD 1.5-2TB drives, and in some cases where the drives were RMA’d, the problem seem fixed so I’ve put in a support ticket to see if I can get a RMA or hopefully some firmware patches.
Now these drives are just a pair that I bought to help fix up a mate’s system but I also help made decisions as to hardware purchases for a data center. The CEO would shoot me if I recommended Caviar GP/RE drives that turn out to be this slow so I went back to the shop I bought these drives from and they have had an earful regarding this issue as well. I believe most people who bought Caviar GP drives did so for the low temp/low noise aspect with the understanding that the low 5400 RPM would mean <50MB/s or less but 1.5-1.8MB/s? I sincerely hope this is an isolated issue, perhaps affecting batches of drives.
Does anyone have a clue as to the possible problem? I’ve dealt with a lot of HDD problems before but this one will stump me if WD doesn’t have a fix. I’d hate to have to make my next purchases from somewhere else.