Can't uninstall or re-install Plex - Plex broken

Hi folks.
I’ve been using Plex successfully for months on my MyCloud EX2 Ultra, but all of a sudden it stopped working. I tried uninstalling and re-installing, and have even tried installing a new binary manually. Nothing seems to work. I also did a system restore to see if that would help, but no joy…

If I look at the Apps installed now, it shows Plex is installed. If I try to uninstall, and then reboot, it still shows as installed. If I click on Configure, all I get is a ‘Not Found’ message. You can see the problem here…

Any ideas would be very gratefully appreciated.
Many thanks for reading


I’ve managed to fix this by accessing the MyCloud via SSH. I followed instructions found here

Strangely I wasn’t able to remove the ‘plex_conf’ folder, but removing the ‘plexmediaserver’ seems to have done the trick.

For anyone coming across this issue, I found the answer was to SSH into the MyCloud device, and remove the plex folders manually. THis is the process:
cd /mnt/HD/HD_a2
rm -rf plex_conf
cd Nas_Prog
rm -rf plex_conf
rm -rf plexmediaserver

I’m running into something similar I think. I have been running Plex on my PR4100 for several years now. Suddenly, I can’t reach my server via web browser (“this site cannot be reached” error), or any of apps on my phones or Roku. I CAN login to the WD admin page as you have here, and I can also reach the NAS via mapped network drive in Windows Explorer…IOW, the NAS server and my networking seem fine.

Do you think if I SSH into the server and delete the Plex config folders I can get my Plex Server working again? These commands are totally greek to me - Can you confirm that using these commands will have no affect on my DATA (stored media), just the Plex configs?
