Cannot connect to wd mycloud share on new laptop (local network)


I have 2 users on my wd mycloud, user1 and user 2.

We have a new laptop, which I would like to use user2.

I have changed again the password for user2 (to make sure I know the correct password)

The user2 has ‘full access’ to the share ‘share1’.

When I go to explorer, I can go to my mycloud device, and when I expand, I can see the share ‘share1’

When I click it, I have to enter a username & password, so I enter user2 & the new password…

But I get a window mentioning ‘access denied’, and after a while, a separate window mentioning the sahre is not accessible…’ 

I have no idea what I’m doing wrong…

Hello and welcome tot he WD community.

Just to test, try to disconnect all the mapped share if you have them mapped and then try to access the share again, also try to reboot the computer before disconnecting the shares in case that can also help.