You want some feedback?

I was looking for a place where I could provide some feedback on a 3TB MyCloud device I recently purchased. The main website directed me here. I can’t help but feel that WD says it values feedback but anything I take the time and effort to write will simply go unread and disappear in to a big black hole. However, I will give it a try.

My first point is that your online support is shocking. I’ve been in IT support and product testing for 30 years and your response time is woeful. Having gone through the initial setup of my device I found that the MyCloud software refused to see it. I was given no error codes and no clue as to why. The pitiful Quick Install guide gave me no help, neither did the User Guide I had downloaded. It was then that I opened a Support case. It’s a good job I don’t run my own business and was relying on getting this device working because 3 days later I have still to receive a response. If one of my team didn’t respond to a user within 3 days I would tear them to pieces.

In the end I downloaded the little tray utility to see what that could do and that managed to find the device with no problem at all. From there I was able to open the dashboard, create my MyCloud account etc. Out of curiosity I wondered if me setting the device up this way would spark the MyCloud software in to life. Nope, that sorry excuse fo software still refused to see the device so I chose the option to find it by logging in to my new account - lo and behold it could then be found! I can’t believe that I’m the only person to have such an issue which begs the question - was this product and its software actually tested?

I bought this device on the strength of it allegedly being iTunes friendly as I wanted to copy my PC-based iTunes music and playlists to it for other devices I use to access it. I discovered that this feature gets barely a mention. There are certainly no examples of what it can do, hints on how your iTunes needs to be organised to achieve a successful copy or move. The User Guide simply shows how to turn it On/Off. It has one other associated button in the interface to do with rebuilding the database but that isn’t even mentioned!! If I’m giving a product GUI to test and there are buttons on it with no guidance for the user either on-screen or in the documentation then it gets fired back to the Developers like a rocket. Someone needs to have a serious look at your testing cycle and QA processes.

I’ve now spent 3 days trawling through several forums like this one, asking other users for advice, trying to Google various peculiarities in the software and frankly that is not acceptable. You cannot simply put a nice ‘iTunes friendly’ sticker on a box and just ship it then leave it up to the user to spend days trying to find solutions to problems that should have been dealt with in the QA process. Also, I repeat, if a customer contacts you directly (regardless of whether they are in the Home or Business market) then you should do much, much more to get back to them in good time - 3 days and counting is most definitely not good time.

Just in case this message does disappear in to a black hole I will be repeating most of this when I come to review the product on Amazon. To say I am disappointed in the product and your level of support is an understatement. It would be remiss of me not to express these opinions to anyone considering buying this device from Amazon.


Sorry, I didn’t have any problems in setting mine up. Here are some things I referred to before I even received my device from Best Buy. I have had it for over a year now.

My Cloud │ How it Works

WD My Cloud User Manual

WD SmartWare User Manual

When setting it up I also recommend using the Learning Center.

It has done it’s job and saved me about a month back when my desktop hard drive went out and I had to have it replaced. I used it to retrieve everything to the new hard drive.

Posted by,
cat0w (USA)

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I feel your pain…

This is a community of WD customers, who try to help each other out, and ease the pain.  I’m not sure if there are any WD employees on this forum; if there are, they keep very quiet…  Basically, it’s a way of doing support on the cheap, by getting your customers to feel part of a ‘community’, helping each other out; that’s what real communities do.  IMHO, this is a cynical, money-saving exploitation of goodwill.

I think the User Manual is a shambles, as it is poorly structured, and encourages the download of all sorts of unnecessary software to get the MC going, and access it.  I’m pretty sure that all control can be done via the browser-based Dashboard, and all local access to the drive can be achieved by mapping the drive into your OS; the various apps are only needed for remote, ‘cloud’ access.  Oh, and, as you say, the manual doesn’t mention or interpret errors messages, or how to recover from them.

Given what I feel is the shoddy nature of the firmware, I have no intention of using the cloud services, as well as the fact that all such access has to go via WD’s servers, rather than connecting directly to my MC device.  Put simply, given the number of problems I’ve experienced, and that pour onto these forums, I don’t trust their systems to maintain data security.

Fortunately, I paid little more than the price of an equivalent-sized USB HDD, so using the MC purely as a local, media-serving NAS isn’t so bad.  Having said that, I’m currently playing with a £35 Android media box, and a USB HDD that, running BubbleUPnP as a media server/player, and DroidNAS as a file server, seems to do pretty much the same thing, as well as providing me with a nice little email/web browser and low-power computing solution, connected to the TV in my living room.  And I have access to the entire range of Android apps to run on it…

These devices are not for “newbies” nor for anything beyond basic NAS capabilities.  No clue why this is sold as anything else.

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