Windows 8.1 drag and drop folders from desktop to MYCLOUD no longer working

This was working and now it no longer works.
The screen seem to indicate movement - when I grab a folder on my PC and drop it on the MYCLOUD folder seems to show ok - BUT THE MYCLOUD NEVER UPLOADS THE FOLDER.

I have removed WDSYNC from my PC as it was sucking 20% CPU without doing anything - - so I removed it - it that necesary to drag and drop only?

I have also just UPDATED MYCLOUD device, just rebooted the device and my PC - nothing still happens

Map the Shares as Windows network drives. Then use them like you would any other drive.

WD Sync is not great. You’re better off looking elsewhere if you need a file sync function. If you just need a file server, map the drives.

Thanks for the info.
I will do that. Sounds like a good thing to have - mapped drive.