Why I don't see My Cloud EX2 in Wd discovery,etc

I can see my cloud Ex2 in Network but when I try to accses my data in Ex2 ultra it lead me to a site that shows a ip adress than I type my username and password it shows me settings and a percantage of Hdd that is used.I cant acsses my data at Mycloudex2 ultra site what should I do ? Do I need to install a app or etc

Assuming you are using Windows: Use Windows Explorer \\mycloudex2ultra

You may also map any folder your id has access to a letter drive on your PC/laptop.

I tried this - and I still get access denied
it comes up with my email and asks for password
I type the password currently used (verified on my iPad, which can get in)
and it still says access denied. Admin password does not work from my PC either

Sorry … I don’t have any ideas as both the id from Internet Explorer and the admin account using the WDMYCLOUD web portal works fine for me.

I don’t use any of the web authentication or any access with my NAS outside my local network as I block at my router.

Also I don’t trust other companies keeping my passwords private via modern encryption standards as sadly even today MANY companies do not encrypt passwords so system admin or application support personal have access to your ids and the corresponding passwords.