What is current firmware for Gen 1 Mirror?

When I go to check in the dashboard it says 2.11.178 but when I look on website I see Firmware Version 2.12.127 (01/08/2019) Also why are the post for Firmware not pinned in this forum like the normal MyCloud section?

Mine is also saying the same version, and claims it’s up to date.

Given how flaky these things can be I’m taking the view that if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, especially given the complete inability of WD to post clearly which firmware is for which generation most of the time.

I ended up installing it so far working fine. Not sure why it doesn’t show in the updater since its from January 8th 2019. Looks like it was posted in the forum maybe even pinned to the forum till someone said it being Pinned was confusing and instead just making the post more clear that it was for Gen 1 Mirror they just unpinned it.

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You’re a braver man than me :wink:

Best of luck with it!