Wd tv & wd my cloud

hello guys hope someone can help me im intrested in the WD MY CLOUD product as id like to share my files with my mate but im also after a product to stream the content of my cloud to is there a product out there that can do this iv been looking at the WD LIVE TV will these 2 product work so i can put a video file on my cloud  and stream it to a wd live tv box?

my seconed question is there a cheaper way of doing it instead of getting the wd live tv could i get and older model and it do the same thing but for cheaper

thanks for your help guys

Yes, you can use the WD TV to stream the files from the My Cloud. Older WD TV models like the WD TV Live Plus, WD TV Live Hub and WD TV Play can be used to access your files. 

Thanks @jubei04

I have two wd tv live set up in my house. a third  one i travel with and i have a 4 tb my cloud plugged into the router. I can streem to both boxes. one on the main floor is freezing up and skipping it worked well in the begining and its only been a month.  The one in the bed room stream a bit better. all boxes and cloud are running the latest updates. And STILL they skip even if we are using the internet or not using it.

I have compleated speed tests and i am over 38 -56 megabites with the router. The skipping becomes worse if i choose to download movies. so I still cant do both. I had all faith and hope resting on the latest up date fixing all these bugs.

Now you asked a question can you streem it to a buddy. yes you can. But i hope hes living in the same wifi. I have uploaded movies from the wifi at work and uploading over wifi is slow maybe 15 to 30 minutes at times per video. so if your buddy is hoping to streem from your house wifi to his house wifi and there is any kind of distance between the two houses i suspect it wont work. just based on how long it takes to upload or down load a movie from the cloud to my personal computer while at work.