WD TV Media Player and Seagate backup+ 3tb


I just bought WD TV Media Player. I have Seagate backup+ 3tb external disk storage but the Media Player refuses to identify it.

I have formatted the disk and it has no errors. (As was recommended somewhere)

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Best regards, Kjartan.


What firmware version are you runningo nthe WDTV? 


The firmware version is 1.02.17

Best regards, Kjartan.

Please try resetting the unit. 

Also test the drive on a desktop computer. 

I have already done both.

The drive works on computer, blueray player and tv but not the wd media player. I tried resetting and also another wd drive but that the player did not respond to that on either.

In fact I went to the shop where I bought it and they could not get it to work and gave me another one. Sadly that one did not work either.