WD TV Live Hub freezes after some time of playing videos

My unit just started to freeze also. Whats going on??? I had upgraded and should’nt have thats for sure…

I guess once you do the firmware upgrade the problem starts and it does not fix itself even when we revert back to the old firmware.

Its true… I rolled back  from 2.06.10 to 2.05.08 and the freezes are still there…and It also has sometimes network problems (Its maybe  the same network problem with 2 effects…)

srijans wrote:

I guess once you do the firmware upgrade the problem starts and it does not fix itself even when we revert back to the old firmware.

This is rather odd.  We are going to look into this.  I have sent you a private message.

Same thing has happened to me, the deivce is rather flakey. It got so bad that I tried out the Lacie devices because we need this to be stable for our clients (when they get these devices with their product on it).

When i reboot the device it goes away for abit, starts playing things, but then soon enough, it comes back.

WD you need to fix this, it’s a major problem. We love the customization that this device brings for us, but until the BUGS are worked out we are going to another device. Our clients demand it :frowning:



So I posted in another thread about something similar happening to me – right after taking the 2.06.10 update from 2.05.08, my unit would spontaneously shut itself off… sometimes immediately, and sometimes not for 20-30 min or so. And it didn’t seem to matter what I was doing – playing video, using it as a server to stream from, sitting idle at menu…  Rollback to old code made no difference. All signs were pointing toward something gone wrong during the upgrade flash.

Last night I discovered the fan on the bottom was not spinning. Now I’m not sure if it’s just a fluke that my fan stopping working exactly coincides with the code upgrade, or what… But these spontaneous shutdowns appear to be heat related on mine since the cooling fan has died. This would make a lot more sense as to why there seems to be no rhyme or reason to what I’m doing on the unit, and varies on when it happens after booting (ie> if it was off for hours, then it might stay on longer before it reaches shutdown temp, vs. it having just been on and restarting it – instant shutdown).

Is it possible the firmware upgrade could’ve messed up something that controls the fan? If not I guess it was incredibly coincidental timing that the hardware failed immediatelly following the upgrade.

Anyone experiencing similar issues may want to check to see if their cooling fan on the bottom is spinning.

I’ve tried a lot of different make shift cooling methods to keep mine booted long enough to recover media, but I haven’t been able to keep it booted more than ~10 min that way so far.

HI everybody

WD contacted with me last Friday  to fix our isssue…  so they are working to fix this matter

Home made solutions dont work ( plug off the ethernet cable, reset everything, reinstall firmware  )
( by the Way… Its true… The botton fan doesnt work!!)

So…Let´s wait

Yes. I am also in touch with one of the executives from WD and there has been some emails going back and forth. 

Hoping that the issue gets solved soon and all of us are happy :slight_smile:

Same problem for me too. After the upgrade, I can’t get through more than a few minutes of any movie. I first noticed it on Netflix that the movie was freezing after a couple of minutes but now it’s doing it on all movies. I haven’t tried rolling back the firmware like others here have so I’ll just sit tight until I hear more from here.

Same for me - only had it a day and after the upgrade it freezes with unplugging power as the only remedy. Network cable plugged in seems to make it quicker to freeze…

I have got the same problem than you all, my WD TV Live Hub freezes when I try to transfer files through the network, or even when i browse the files on the hub, and unplugging the AC is the only remedy. I too upgraded to the latest firmware, but I don’t think this is the cause: I have been since on a long week-end in a summer house without internet connection and it worked fine. It is when I came back on Sunday and plugged it in with an ethernet cable that it started to malfunction. Tonight I read this forum and unplugged the ethernet cable, and the hub worked just fine. It seems to me there is a bug in the latest firmware and the ethernet connection, but I would like to know for sure !

I have been communicating with WD and they just say that they are investigating this. But no solution as of now. 

This device without Internet is just another simple media player. Cannot use any of the applications in it or use it as a media server for other devices.

I have had the same problem with Live Hub freezing. Sometimes it freezes just within the interface, navigating left and right and browsing network share. Playing videos or listening to music is all fine with me. Come to think of it, the problem was born with the latest firmware (2.06.10). Just moments ago I’ve downgraded to 2.05.08. For the time being it’s working flawlessly. I will report back if the problem persists as others have noted.

Yours seems to be a bit different from what I (and few others) are facing. My device freezes completely what ever I do and even if I do nothing. Yes this started right from the day I upgraded to 2.06.10. But even after downgrading to 2.05.08 I still continue to have the issue.

Did you just downgrade or did some formatting kind of thing (which i am not sure if there is an option)?

I have formated my drive since I only use “network share” from my PC.

I have also downgraded to 2.05.08 by following steps in this LINK.

At the moment all is well.


Freezing issues might be Network related and how clean your Hub connects to your Router/Internet.

Even as I downgraded, I experienced freezes within the menu and the internet, but as soon as I had a stable connection to my router, there were no freezes whatsoever. I have tested this with LAN.

Why would an unstable network connection give me freezes within the Hub menu in the first place?

I am using a Lynksys wireless device to connect to my router, so what I have done is tweaked my router settings, allowed WD TV Live Hub to connect to it unconditionally. I have also scanned wireless channels and selected the best one on the list. It might have conflicted with other wireless devices and given me a poorer network connection.

Now I have installed the latest firmware and with the router tweeking and my wireless Linksys device, I’m connectiong to the internet and my network share on the fly.

I’ve done this a few days ago and I’ve not experienced any freezes since.

Thanks for the update. I have a Uverse Gateway which is a modem as well as a router. And the internet connection is quite stable. I am not using wireless. I use a wired connection from my modem / router to the WD TV Live Hub.

The same cable when disconnected from the WDTV device and connected to my laptop or a PC it works fine. Just that the device alone freezes.

I have had no issues with the internet till now. Not sure what the issue is.

I experience the same problem with my WD tv live hub. It’s simple freezes when playing. I don’t know how to solve this… is there any response from the WD support for this issue? its the first time i have a media from wd… in the past I had Lacie and it worked well… i thought  WD was superior the Lacie and I bought the WD… was I wrong??

yep same here freezing random. Sometimes even at startup.

Rolled back to 2.04.13 and no freezes, but Netflix is useless this way…