We are pleased to offer prerelease WD TV product updates to make your viewing experience better than ever. We are limiting this to the first few hundred people who download it. Feel free to install it, but be aware this is beta firmware that we are still testing, so use it at your own risk.
Please post your experiences to this thread. Do not contact customer support for issues found with this firmware.
DVD MENU support for the WDTV LIVE, not the PLUS? SWEET.
and “Network share intermittent detection issue.” hope that fixes my intermittent connection issue. sometimes it doesn’t recognize it on start up, i do an on/off and it’s there. 2min fix, but still annoying.
Ok What gives? I’m on firmware 1.02.21 and my menu looks nothing like the instructions. The only way to update the firmware is through the internet and of coiurse it keeps saying it’s up to date. Am I missing something?
Ok What gives? I’m on firmware 1.02.21 and my menu looks nothing like the instructions. The only way to update the firmware is through the internet and of coiurse it keeps saying it’s up to date. Am I missing something?
Download the prerelease, extract the files within to the root of a USB drive, and connect it to your WDTV Live. The WDTV Live should detect the firmware and offer to upgrade.
Did you try disconnecting your internet connection? I’d definitely make sure I wasn’t connected (either remove the wireless adapter or the network cable). Just a thought.