We are pleased to offer prerelease WD TV product updates to make your viewing experience better than ever. We are limiting this to the first few hundred people who download it. Feel free to install it, but be aware this is beta firmware that we are still testing, so use it at your own risk.
Please post your experiences to this thread. Do not contact customer support for issues found with this firmware.
Very disappointed to miss out on this. Been on the **bleep** forum all day and this gets posted up in the 40 minutes I take a break…?? :angry:
Grumbles aside, this is a step in the right direction. Nice to see what’s gonna be in the next update, should be at least a few things to please most people.
I would suggest that you download again as another version has just been added which has the correct ver code and the file size is 31.9Mb. You have to love WD don’t you. In The UK we have a saying about ‘**** ups in a brewery’.