WD Sync menus refuse to show. This program for me as become useless. :-(

I’ve been struggling with this for.,well, ever.

It’s on Windows 10.
Version of WD Sync is: 1.0.5713.17047

Every result is:

I liked WD Sync, but right now with Windows 10 it’s 100% unusable. I’ve stripped the software off my computer to then re-install it. It was a useful piece of software, but now it’s impossible to use. I’ve tried as many tricks as I can to try get it to work correctly.

Can anyone, specifically from Western Digital, give me a solution before I remove WDSync from my computer and tell everyone else I know that WDSync is not a reliable piece of software?

I have not received a response via my posts and support was unable to provide guidance. I feel we are in limbo.

BTW, just like the initial OS3 firmware release problems. There are problems still with the firmware with WD Sync.

Taken a look into my Win 10 system here, no issues with WD Sync - sorry for German language.

WD Sync in taskbar

OS Information:

WD Sync Version information

Any more hints from your PC? Have you uninstalled the software from within “Control Panel” / “Programs and Features”?

It’s like WD’s app manager has failed on my computer. :frowning:
So the app manager has started, but it’s not started WDSync.

Remove all WD related software, this may happen if WD Smartware was installed on a system prior to WD Sync.

Done that. Been there. Didn’t work.

no more ideas, call WD Support

I did. A while ago. At the moment no response. :frowning:

Please give them a ping again.

Believe or not, I did. Not too long ago.

A forum moderator has pinged support again.