WD smartware and windows 10

Is this working?  I cant see mycloud in the dashboard. Just dropbox.  I uninstalled and reinstalled.  

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edit:  I had filesharing turned off.   Its all better 

I’m glad you were able to locate the source of the issue.

I cannot see my MyBook Live as a backup target under Windows 10 and SmartWare 2.4.12, so it would appear that despite months of notice that Windows 10 was coming, Western Digital has made a conscious decision to not support Windows 10 in their SmartWare product.

The MyBook Live was recognized as a valid backup target under Windows 8.1.

Time to research other vendors who were proactive about supporting Windows 10.

I have this problem. Can’t see the MyCloud in WD SMartware, only Dropbox so i cant back up my system. It was working fine until i upgraded to Win10. Any assistance greatly appreciated.

I have exactly the same problem as PaulOneEye :
" Can’t see the MyCloud in WD SMartware, only Dropbox so i cant back up my system. It was working fine until i upgraded to Win10".
Since this upgrade, i can’t backup my files and I’m very angry beacause I can’t use my device ! :rage:
Is there any body from WD Support Team to help us ?
If I can’t get a quick answer from WD with the fix to solve this issue, I’ll post bad comments on the web site of Fnac.com which is the main french retailer of high tech devices.
Thanks for your help !

I don’t have a problem with Mycloud in windows 10