WD ShareSpace Firmware Update - Version 2.2.91 (12/13/10)

First the WD sharespace is a terrible product and will give you nothing but trouble and headaches.  Do not use this device for primary storage and trust the RAID levels.  Only use this device if you have other copies of the files on the WD sharrespace.  Now that we have that covered I found a manual patch here…


Now before you just follow my link and start the manual process you must read the release notes because this patch disables some features but I personally did not care and ran the patch anyway.

I hope this helps and if you need a “real” NAS look no further than Synology.com

I am in serious need of a manual uploadable .img of the firmware since the NAS units I have are not on the internet - and I cannot attach them per policy.  I mean really, what is so secret about the firmware .img that it cannot be offered in order to manually update these units if you have a valid serial number?

Is there perhaps some means where I can get a support plan by which I can have the firmware sent to me on optical media?  or special WWW download area?  Anything?

Umpa2011 - I have exactly the same problem…!

Ever since I updated to 2.2.91 I have had problems with accessing the folders/files on the NAS - everything worked fine up until the update :angry:

I found out that even though I have public access enabled I can only get to the folders/files if I access the NAS as the creator of the folder/file.

I also found out that If I copy the folder/file (logged in as the creator), the new copy will be accessible by “anyone” (e.g. the security settings works as they are supposed to).

But as you all know the speed of the ShareSpace has room for improvement :wink:, so it takes for ever to basically copy alle the files on the NAS. Furthermore there is an issue if the content (subfolders and files) of folders are created by different users. There is actually files I can’t to.

Anybody has news on a possible solution to this or ideas on how to solve it?

Yes I solved my issues - I took one for the lads, lost data and sent the thing back to WD, I received a new unit with the old firmware on it and its works perfect again.

Sorry I cant be of more help, 

I did the firmware update, and after the upgrade I can no longer access to modify files that are inside the shared folder. The permissions that are set are the domain of the company. How do I return to the previous firmware? Or change the permissions for the files that we can change?

People keep posting the same complaint…did you not read the previous pages…

The answer is you can’t. Send it back and when you get the new one…ignore raid5, ignore twonky, ignore Uconnect…ignore FTP…and forget firmware updates…

NEVER put anything in the box unless you got a back-up of it.

This is nothing more than a big external drive and a ■■■■ poor one at that.

We all bought a piece of JUNK!

Hi !!

I foud something that solved the permission problem for me … now i can acces all my files again :smileyvery-happy:

I could no longer access some of my folders so here’s what i did:


Connect via SSH with admin login and password

use “su” to connect as SuperUser with “welc0me” as password.

Then go to your “shares” folder and use : " chmod -R 777 ./Public/ " ( works with any folder )

Now i can access any file within this folder.

I know it’s not perfect but i works.

NB: Hope it will help someone, and sorry for my english :stuck_out_tongue:

ldnpub - THANKS,! It’s works like a charm :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re welkome :smiley:

and If anyone needs more explanations just ask :slight_smile:

A new firmware release has been posted.  This thread is now closed.