I’ve noticed the problem a few weeks ago. In normal operation, the device’s LED is off (not working). The LED does come on upon reboot/shutdown and during startup, but then it goes off. The device is OK, and I have no problem accessing it.
The General > Energy Saver > LED is set to ON.
Updating the firmware to the latest version made no difference.
Setting General > Energy Saver > LED to OFF, rebooting, and then setting it back to ON made no difference.
I ssh’d to /sys/class/leds/system_led/:
blink … on
color … blue
brightness … 0
Also, in /sys/class/leds/system_led/power/:
state … 0
The brightness and state values seem to me to be anomalous. Perhaps they are the cause? But I don’t know what the values should be and I hesitate to make any changes without knowing more.
Has anyone any insights in this?
Btw, I noticed that, if General > Energy Saver > LED is set to OFF, the only file that changes is /sys/class/leds/system_led/color, which is set to off.
Blue LED failures seem to be pretty common. Mine has gone, and there are plenty of other reports like yours. My device is working fine; it’s just a dead LED. I’m not bothered by it.
[quote=“cpt_paranoia, post:3, topic:180119, full:true”]
Blue LED failures seem to be pretty common.[/quote]
It certainly seems so. I don’t understand why they insist on using the more expensive blue LEDs instead of the cheaper and more reliable greens. Anyway, does that mean that changing the value of /sys/class/leds/system_led/color to, say, “green” would restore its function?
Yes, but it’s a useful indicator… as yesterday, when I had a power failure, and I couldn’t remember if the WDMC was plugged into a UPS or not.
Unlikely. I’d be very surprised if the LED is driven by the content of that file. More likely the driver code writes a control value to the GPIO to set the LED colour, and then writes a human-readable value to that file.
[quote=“cpt_paranoia, post:7, topic:180119, full:true”]
the driver code writes a control value to the GPIO to set the LED colour, and then writes a human-readable value to that file.[/quote]
On a gen1 MC no network causes a yellow led. On a gen2 it causes a red led. I rebooted my
MC gen1 and it started blinking yellow. After a while it turned solid white. Then finally turned blue.
Here is a cheat sheet for the gen1. I’d do the gen2 but the gen2 does not use the /usr/local/sbin/ledConfig.sh file like the gen1.
Edit the output should be in columns.
LED_STAT Normal_Mode/color Err_Mode/color Warm_Mode/color
LED_EV_SYSTEM=0 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DISK_SMART=1 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DISK_IO=2 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_RAID_CFG=3 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_FW_UPDATE=4 on blue on blue on blue
LED_EV_NETWORK=5 on blue blink yellow blink yellow
LED_EV_DISK_STBY=6 on blue on red pulse blue
LED_EV_HALT=7 off off off off off off
LED_EV_THERMO=8 on blue on red blink yellow
LED_EV_VOLUME=9 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DISK_LOW_CAP=10 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DISK_UNSUPPORTED=11 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DEGRADED_MIR=12 on blue blink yellow blink yellow
LED_EV_MASTER_INST=13 on blue on red on white
LED_EV_FRESH_INST=14 on blue on red on white
LED_EV_VFT_HALT=15 on white on white on white
LED_EV_FSCK_ON_BOOT=16 on white blink white blink white
[quote=“rac8006, post:10, topic:180119, full:true”]
On a gen1 MC no network causes a yellow led.[/quote]
Then I guess I have a gen 1, because that’s what the user guide says. But there’s no issue w/ the network or E-net cable.
Assuming white is the result of combining blue & yellow, what I see is consistent with a dead blue LED, as cpt_paranoia said.
[quote=“rac8006, post:11, topic:180119, full:true”]
Here is a cheat sheet for the gen1.[/quote]
Thanks. So… if I replace “blue” and “white” with “yellow” in this script (ledConfigs.sh), I should get some function out of the LED. Guess trying is the only way to find out for sure.
(Lesson learned: Don’t buy el cheapo products if you expect to use them for more than six months.)
Oddly; I have an older 4TB My Cloud and NO LED ACTIVITY.
However; while annoying, the unit works just fine.
Is there any solution for this or do I just live with it?
If the LED were available, I would assume one could replace it.
Is that a possibility?
You do have LED activity during a reboot, i.e. white or yellow, don’t you?
Then most likely only the blue one died. You could change setting so it uses green colour instead.