WD My Cloud LED Not Working

WD My Cloud 4TB, latest firmware

I’ve noticed the problem a few weeks ago. In normal operation, the device’s LED is off (not working). The LED does come on upon reboot/shutdown and during startup, but then it goes off. The device is OK, and I have no problem accessing it.

The General > Energy Saver > LED is set to ON.

Updating the firmware to the latest version made no difference.

Setting General > Energy Saver > LED to OFF, rebooting, and then setting it back to ON made no difference.

I ssh’d to /sys/class/leds/system_led/:

  • blink … on
  • color … blue
  • brightness … 0

Also, in /sys/class/leds/system_led/power/:

  • state … 0

The brightness and state values seem to me to be anomalous. Perhaps they are the cause? But I don’t know what the values should be and I hesitate to make any changes without knowing more.

Has anyone any insights in this?

Btw, I noticed that, if General > Energy Saver > LED is set to OFF, the only file that changes is /sys/class/leds/system_led/color, which is set to off.


Your values match my system. Can you look at the contents of the /tmp/led* files? Mine are all blank. You can check by typing cat /tmp/led*


Blue LED failures seem to be pretty common. Mine has gone, and there are plenty of other reports like yours. My device is working fine; it’s just a dead LED. I’m not bothered by it.

Latest firmware v2 or v4?

Blank also.

[quote=“cpt_paranoia, post:3, topic:180119, full:true”]
Blue LED failures seem to be pretty common.[/quote]
It certainly seems so. I don’t understand why they insist on using the more expensive blue LEDs instead of the cheaper and more reliable greens. Anyway, does that mean that changing the value of /sys/class/leds/system_led/color to, say, “green” would restore its function?

Yes, but it’s a useful indicator… as yesterday, when I had a power failure, and I couldn’t remember if the WDMC was plugged into a UPS or not.


What color is the led when you can see the led?


Unlikely. I’d be very surprised if the LED is driven by the content of that file. More likely the driver code writes a control value to the GPIO to set the LED colour, and then writes a human-readable value to that file.

But, hey, give it a try.

[quote=“rac8006, post:6, topic:180119, full:true”]
What color is the led when you can see the led?[/quote]


[quote=“cpt_paranoia, post:7, topic:180119, full:true”]
the driver code writes a control value to the GPIO to set the LED colour, and then writes a human-readable value to that file.[/quote]

Makes sense.

On a gen1 MC no network causes a yellow led. On a gen2 it causes a red led. I rebooted my
MC gen1 and it started blinking yellow. After a while it turned solid white. Then finally turned blue.


Here is a cheat sheet for the gen1. I’d do the gen2 but the gen2 does not use the /usr/local/sbin/ledConfig.sh file like the gen1.

Edit the output should be in columns.

LED_STAT Normal_Mode/color Err_Mode/color Warm_Mode/color
LED_EV_SYSTEM=0 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DISK_SMART=1 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DISK_IO=2 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_RAID_CFG=3 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_FW_UPDATE=4 on blue on blue on blue
LED_EV_NETWORK=5 on blue blink yellow blink yellow
LED_EV_DISK_STBY=6 on blue on red pulse blue
LED_EV_HALT=7 off off off off off off
LED_EV_THERMO=8 on blue on red blink yellow
LED_EV_VOLUME=9 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DISK_LOW_CAP=10 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DISK_UNSUPPORTED=11 on blue on red on red
LED_EV_DEGRADED_MIR=12 on blue blink yellow blink yellow
LED_EV_MASTER_INST=13 on blue on red on white
LED_EV_FRESH_INST=14 on blue on red on white
LED_EV_VFT_HALT=15 on white on white on white
LED_EV_FSCK_ON_BOOT=16 on white blink white blink white

[quote=“rac8006, post:10, topic:180119, full:true”]
On a gen1 MC no network causes a yellow led.[/quote]
Then I guess I have a gen 1, because that’s what the user guide says. But there’s no issue w/ the network or E-net cable.

Assuming white is the result of combining blue & yellow, what I see is consistent with a dead blue LED, as cpt_paranoia said.

[quote=“rac8006, post:11, topic:180119, full:true”]
Here is a cheat sheet for the gen1.[/quote]
Thanks. So… if I replace “blue” and “white” with “yellow” in this script (ledConfigs.sh), I should get some function out of the LED. Guess trying is the only way to find out for sure.

(Lesson learned: Don’t buy el cheapo products if you expect to use them for more than six months.)

Oddly; I have an older 4TB My Cloud and NO LED ACTIVITY.
However; while annoying, the unit works just fine.
Is there any solution for this or do I just live with it?
If the LED were available, I would assume one could replace it.
Is that a possibility?

You do have LED activity during a reboot, i.e. white or yellow, don’t you?
Then most likely only the blue one died. You could change setting so it uses green colour instead.

No. There is no activity that I can see, but the drive works fine and the built-in diagnostics show there are no errors.