Have an old (2009) My Book (or My Cloud) external drive (connectable Firewire, USB and I guess eSATA (as the latter slot does not take either USB or FW)… And of course, can’t either see any files.
Been in function on a Linux server for years, after service on a Windows PC and Mac as well.
Now, I can’t either see it under Linux, Windows or OSX (Disk utilities). The drive makes a little regular clicking noise.
Is it dead ? Is there any additional troubleshooting I can try under OSX 10.11.6 or Windows 10 ? - I’d just like to recover data and send it to the cimetery before it looses everything… Or is it too late and I should assume it’s dead ? (Most stuff in there is backed also elsewhere, different drives, not that much of a drame, but I’d also would not like to discard it full of data…