WD My Book (external) - not visible, click noise

Have an old (2009) My Book (or My Cloud) external drive (connectable Firewire, USB and I guess eSATA (as the latter slot does not take either USB or FW)… And of course, can’t either see any files.

Been in function on a Linux server for years, after service on a Windows PC and Mac as well.

Now, I can’t either see it under Linux, Windows or OSX (Disk utilities). The drive makes a little regular clicking noise.

Is it dead ? Is there any additional troubleshooting I can try under OSX 10.11.6 or Windows 10 ? - I’d just like to recover data and send it to the cimetery before it looses everything… Or is it too late and I should assume it’s dead ? (Most stuff in there is backed also elsewhere, different drives, not that much of a drame, but I’d also would not like to discard it full of data…

The My Book and My Cloud are two completely separate and different devices. The My Book is an external drive, the My Cloud is a network attached storage device. This subforum (My Cloud) is generally for the single bay My Cloud devices. You may have better luck in the External Drives subforums.


Generally however if you hear a loud clicking noise from a hard drive and the operating system no longer mounts or sees the hard drive when attached to the computer, it generally means the drive is bad. See the support section on the WD Support site for the My Book. WD may have a program available to possibly access the hard drive and test the hard drive for errors.