Please help,
**I had a booting problem with win 10 , drove me to wipe the primary partition and I can’t access the hdd after then. it spins normally but doesn’t appear in bios at all. The Disk Management in win 10 shows it as ( unknown / not initialized) , and no operation can be performed further. **
It shows up in Device manager but with incorrect name WDC WD10EARS-00Y5B1 ,and all info about it are unavailable in the submenu (Properties). It gives a 0 capacity. and no partitions, no sector or whatever details.
** Even Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows doesn’t detect it is present.**
Some software like KillDisk gives no more info about it, but adds that the MBR needs to be fixed.
** I really need the data on it. I 've read about PCB problems or A Firmware failure and the like…**
What can I do for that? Thanks in advance.
I appreciate the fast response.
** I 've alraedystrong text tried to initialize it on two machines , but it fails at once.**
**Also when I connected it to another pc , the bios listed its name as WD20EZRX ,which is correct label, but listed the capacity as Unknown and a comment " It’s managed by the system bios". **
I tried Ubuntu Linux , but nothing at all.
And again I can’t access the hdd to deal with.
So , I think it tends to be a system error on the HDD itself : PCB or MBR sector , Drive table…
Note that the body and mechanical parts seem to work properly and the sound is normal.
**Can PCB swap for another typical one solve the problem? **
Or if it 's a sector that contains the sys info of the hdd that was damaged during the wipe process. Is there away to write the sys data again to the hdd or Fix it?
I want a beginning of procedure to start from .
Have you physically examined the drive to make sure that there wasn’t a power surge to the pcb board? Nevertheless, I would consider replacing the drive. If the drive is still under warranty you can RMA it.