Hi there
I just got my WD Blue 1TB 7200rpm 3.5" drive. I installed it in my pc but I can’t see it in Windows 10. It doesn’t come up in Disk Management. I checked in the BIOS where it is recognised, though. I’m not sure what’s wrong, please assist?
I have already been running an SSD (with my OS on there) and another 500gb drive. In BIOS they have the same settings as the WD but I can’t even see it in Disk Management in Win10.

It could be a defective unit. Do you have an external enclosure or another computer available in order to test the hard drive?
Thanks for the reply. I just managed to get it to work by luck. After swapping sata cables and power cables (which didn’t make a difference) and numerous restarts, it somehow just started working and I could see it in Disk Management. I hope it’s not faulty, highly unusual behaviour!
But right now it works so I’ll have to see how it goes…
i am have the excat same problem
what did you do to get yours to work?
Oh man. I wish I knew. I went through the bios settings, all seemed
standard. I am running my drives in AHCI, I have an SSD with my OS and
another Seagate 500gb. The WD is set to the same settings as the Seagate,
but nothing worked.
I then swapped the sata cable with one I knew worked, no difference. I
swapped the power cable and it didn’t work. This probably has nothing to do
with anything, but I swapped the power cable with the wrong hard drive - I
unplugged my SSD so the OS didn’t start up, it kept trying to recover.
After I plugged back the SSD, Win10 was doing weird things where my desktop
icons weren’t showing properly and the Start button didn’t work.
Eventually I got pissed off and after a couple of random restarts, the WD
drive was showing in Disk Management! I have absolutely no idea what
happened. I hope it’s not a bum drive, but it’s working for now.
Let me know if you manage to get yours working and what you did…