Volume encryption

Hi there

sorry if this is am dumb question but I’ve read the post about encryption on this board but I’m still confused. I thought it would be a good idea to encrypt my sensible files and bought the EX2. My asumption was that the EX2 would encrypt all files which I stored on it an decrypt the files when I opend them on my computer. In RAID settings I set the EX2 to RAID 1 and went through the whole process.
So far so good. But how can I check if the encryption really happens? Is there any way to see how an undecrypted files looks like?
Thank you in advance for enlighting a encryption newbie


What you are encrypting is the volume of the unit. and it will ask you for the password when you are trying to mount the volume.

If you mount the volume, you will be able to see the data normally.

@ ERmorel

Thanks for the reply. So there is no way to get single encrypted files out of the encrypted volume? Seeing is believing