Viewing USB storage on WD My Cloud via DLNA

Hi all,

I have just recently purchased a WD My Cloud and have set it up on my home network.

I have also attached my WD My Book drive to it via USB and set this as a share with media streaming access.

I can view it on my phone via the WD My Cloud app but on my TV via DLNA I can not see the WD My Book??

Any ideas??


The DLNA access is of by default for new shares. Go to your WD Dashboard → Shares → Folder → Media Serving = On.

Hi there and welcome to the WD community.

Try to check on the twonky interface to see if you are able o verify that the drive is on the shared section, please follow this link, hope this helps you out setting up the media server:

Hi ArMak - thanks for your reply.

The link you offered comes up with an error and says access denied??

Pardon my ignorance too but what is the ‘tonky’ interface?

I was able to search for the thread you were trying to send me too and I found it.

Thanks for the info - this has been very helpful.


Sorry for that i fixed the link there hope this helps other users as well, good to know this was helpful for you.