USB 3 and F/W 4.01.01-413

Hi is anybody successfully using this firmware with Multiple USB 3 drives connected via a USB 3 hub.

I have 2 USB 3 drives and 1 USB 2 drive connected through a USB 3 hub and have tried the earlier V4 firmwares but they always end up with the cloud going offline and unresponsive and needing a power cycle to reinstate it. 

The problem seems to be caused by switching the usb 3 drives off & on (neccessary as most USB 3 Drives do not spin down) however sometimes the usb 2 drive which is powered permanently also becomes unresponive.

I have tried all of the restore options after upgrading the firmware several times ,( ejecting the drives before switching off makes no difference).

the annoying thing is that when I revert back to F/W 3.04.01-230 everything works without issues except sharepoint backups and also the F/W  still has the shellshock vulnerability.

We have passed along this information to support.

I have been experiencing external USB drive issues as well after this firmware upgrade. At this time, my WDMyCloud device is inoperable if I plug in the USB drive. I have an external USB 3.0 drive that I have been using as a safepoint storage and a network time machine backup location for my mac up until the firmware update.

Request to please address the bug asap. Thanks

Huh… Maybe this is the same root cause of my problem. First attempt at creating a safepoint to a 3tb Mybook from a 3Tb My Cloud has not worked and froze up My Cloud.

Add me to the list.

Device is only stable when the USB 3.0 device is not connected. Once the external drive is connected the MyCloud Box will crash between 20-30 minutes.

See disucssion on this post for detailed logs of my experience

i have the exact same problem, mycloud crash with my Toshiba external HDD.

i took part of the kernel log when mycloud crash.


following advice from WD support I upgraded to the latest firmware (not a good idea)

at first it seemed ok no disconnects or unresponsiveness then I started getting “internal usb server errors” when I connected the drives although they would still mount as shares, sometimes Twonky would show the drives as shares sometimes not, as I need to stream to my WDTVLive this is no good, so as a workaround I tried making the shares public and accessing them through network shares this seemed to work but I found that I needed to toggle public access on the shares everytime I connected the drives to make them visible on the network.

so following further advice from WD support I did a system only restore, (more emails sent to my users!) as expected the results were the same but now a new issue appeared, when I tried to eject the drives the shares would be unmounted and the dashboard said “refreshing” but then they would sometimes remount and need ejecting once or twice more before they actually disconnected.

also I needed to power cycle the WDTVLive a couple of times as files that it had played before were now showing as unsupported. (I have never had this problem before and I have used the WDTVLive for several years).

all in all another waste of a lot of time to end up with a system that does not work as expected!!

I have now reverted back to FW version 03.04.01-230 and once again the system does what I want.

Twonky always shows the shares within 1 minute of connecting the drives,

Drives mount and eject properly (although I still get the “internal usb server error” with one drive it has no effect on the operation whatsoever.

So I guess I will have to live with the shellshock vulnerability and lack of safepoint backups until the next firmware update but I will not upgrade until there are a lot of happy people on here (so probably never lol).