Upload from PC to My Cloud Home is very very slow


I recently set up my My Cloud Home and putting my files on it. I installed WD Discovery and have it mounted as drive Z: on my Windows 10 PC.

I noticed that the upload speed seems to be capped around 18 MB/s, which is very slow when you’re transferring 2 TB+ of data.

My network setup is below. I’ve checked all connection status on my PC and on router and I’m getting full 1000/1000 (Mbps) from PC to switch, switch to internet router, and internet router to My Cloud. I have tried rebooting the My Cloud.

Any suggestions / help please?


Please refer to the following KBA article: Network: Common Causes and Solutions for Slow Data Transfer Speeds

Thank you for getting back to me. I’ve run through the support link you sent me. To check this off top to bottom:

  • I think my network diagram shows I’m not having issues with the first 4 points (I can show screenshots of my PC and router status showing Gigabit connections across the board if you like)
  • I’m only using a single other app on the My Cloud which has a monitoring feature to show traffic (it’s at 0 when I tried my various uploads).
  • I use Panda Dome for AV which has no known issues with My Cloud. I did turn it off, rebooted, and tried again but it made no difference
  • No password protected shares or folders
  • This occurred with both a large set of folders (~1TB) and individual files (1-2GB)
  • Folders not deeply nested, and files are all video files (so not millions of small ones)
  • How would I see if My Cloud / DLNA / iTunes is transcoding anything? I don’t use DLNA or iTunes

Regarding theoretical speeds - I think my upload speed of 18MB/s does show that I’m getting slightly faster than 100 Base-T, so Gigabit is enabled and working. But I’m getting well shy of your realistic averages of 30-60 MB/s

  • Network config: As outlined in my diagram, I’m using the “good performance” option
  • Client system issues (64 bit computer, 16 GB RAM, computer not doing anything else, SSDs don’t get fragmented, and I already covered AV, Data structure is large files not small, and I’m not using USB cables. It’s a desktop PC so no standby issues and sleep is disabled on my PC)
  • Network layer: I get my full ISP speed usually (though this should not matter for local uploads right). I’ve already covered that I’m using 1000 Base-T network. I’ve kicked all other devices off the network so there’s no other interference. I’m not using a network hub and firmware is up to date. Not using Wi-Fi.
  • My Cloud Home issues: I don’t use USB. I don’t know what WD Sync is but I don’t think I use it. I just use WD Discovery to map it as Z: Drive so I can upload from my PC. Data transfer - your article refers to content indexing and thumbnail generation. Can this be disabled? I don’t want the drive to do this - I have an app for that if I want it.

Sorry for the long list but it was a long troubleshooting link and I did want to be thorough. Please do let me know if there’s any additional information I can provide to assist with troubleshooting! :slight_smile:

I see that your PC is on and your wdmycloud is on I’m assuming these networks are /24 bit masked (so netmask of That means you’re routing between networks which could account for the performance loss, especially if it’s happening on a low power router.

Have you considered flattening your network?

Another test is to plug the wdmycloud into the same switch as your PC and see how that goes.

Hi mstargard,

I did expect someone to suggest this but I’ve given it a shot anyway just to make sure. It’s made no difference whatsoever. Below you can see a screenshot of my router connected devices. WiFi is off. This is just my PC and the MyCloud Home (and a smart home device):

And here you can see my upload speed:

So I think that removes any concern about the subnets or too many devices.

OK, I’m seeing both your PC and your mycloud on your wireless router in the segment.

Suspecting that the router is the source of the problem, try putting your PC and your mycloud on the other switch you’ve got - the one you’ve labeled as 192.168.1.x network in your original diagram.