Upload speed is only 50Mbps, what's wrong?



my network is lan with 1Gbps.

when i upload to the Public directory, the speed is right to 1Gbps,

but i upload to the “my clould home”, speed is only 50Mbps, what‘s wrong?

Are you uploading LOCAL or via REMOTE using WD Discovery and the desktop app?
Is your computer connected to the My Cloud using LOCAL, REMOTE or DIRECT?

Hi… i have the same issue…
upload speed locally is ~4MB/s…

connection is local - upnp is on board and enabled.

how to get it direct ? becouse all is set up well . all is connected to one router.

pc ----->router <---- MyCloud


I’m, Arleady close to finish transfering a 300GB of data… which took a 26 hours… this device is useles…

i have each day a data of 40-50 GB to transfer… Shoud it take 6-9 hours ? really ?

When i attachind my 2,5" hd to the mmycloud … i can only see the one partition of disk… i can’t see second .

and also a message “do you wand to backup via USB” is showing only on … mobile… not desktop app WD Discover… also a WD Drive Utilities doesn see any disk :smiley:
also when im connectim a pendrive to the computer… i can see it from the level of WD discover… but only i can do is unmount… when I attache a pen to the Mycloud directly… i cant see a pen …

@SBrown today it is… worthless these are similar jpegs… about 4MB each… configuration doesnt change…

also… why the “Z” mycloud disk is missing when WD Discover is closed ?

each day i started to belive mycloud home is worst that previous mycloud

Also my USB disk connected do PC starts to have 5-10 sec lags… .while WD Discovery is turned on… … and while it is off… everything looks ok… but then I cannot copy from one to another becaouse … mycloud is umnouting his drive while WD discowery is off…

also… i cannot login to the mycloud… when i have no internet connection… even if wd is connected to pc directly via… rj45 cable… :smiley: lol… i will sell this ass soon ass possible…

Hi i have a similar problem…

I was wondering why my gigabit ethernet only get speeds to 55mb\s…after checking everyting,pc,cables,router,configs on everyting i discover someting…

with the acess to my cloud home via WD discovery,the speeds are only 55mb\s , upload or download.

But is if i map the disk in windows i get 110mb\s,but i cant see any folders or acess it via app…!
so must me some problem with the software from my cloud,right?!
can it be fix?!


@AndreCorreia My Cloud Home has two different storage locations.
WD Discovery uses the Private User space (network mounted drive) that uses CBFS.
Public Share uses Windows SMB and is why the transfer rates are different. These two articles may help.

My Cloud Home Private User Space and Public Share Access

Answer ID 3009

My Cloud Home Desktop App Data Transfer Speeds

Answer ID 3073

Thanks @SBrown

i think i understand almost everyting…

But you say that my private space use CBFS,but my drive format is in KDDKS!?

And if " Data Integrity takes precedence over speed and performance",why i can upload/download at full speed (110mbs),to my private space after rebooting it,and during 2~5 min?

thanks for the attention

KDDFS is a Call Back File System (CBFS)
If you rebooted and things are much faster to the Private User Space, then something else was going on. Happy to see it being faster though.

@socallinux thanks for the reply

sad is the max speed only last 2 to 5 min…then return to half speed…