Updated WDTV Live won't recognise USB connected WD Mybook 6tb


I’ve had an original WDTV for a while now and provided i didn’t update the firmware it was quite happy to use my (4tb then later) 6tb Mybook drive.

I’ve just bought a new WD Tv Live yesterday, assumed large drive support was fixed, updated the firmware to the latest version 1.10.13 and while it will happpily play content from a USB stick it won’t recognise my 6tb Mybook drive at all (No Storage present" error) though I can see the lights going up and down on the mybook means it is doing something. If I plug the driv einto my laptop it’s all there fine…

Iv’e seen the sticky topic in tihs forum saying that apparently this (3tb limit) problem has been fixed??! So why am I having this problem???

Don’t tell me I have to go back to my old player??!! Or bin this and buy a newer device??!

(The “About” page says this is a “WD TV Live Streaming Media Player” - I’m a bit confused by the naming conventions  to be honest…)



6TB My Book?    What’s that?   A My Book Live Duo?
