Updated Firmware and cant remotely access mycloud from outside my local network anymore

I can´t access my mycloud from any PC or mobile device outside my local network.  I just noticed today but it was working perfect a few weeks ago.   Does anyone have an idea what to do?

I sign in mycloud.com with username and password of MyCloud and receive this message: 

Can’t connect to GCMyCloud

Here’s what you can do to try and fix the problem:

Make sure your device is powered on and connected to a network with Internet access.

Update the My Cloud firmware. You’ll need to do this from the device dashboard (web interface) under Settings.

Update the My Book Live firmware. You’ll need to do this from the device dashboard (web interface) under Settings.

Accept your device’s security certificate.Note: After you accept the certificate, you might have to refresh this tab to see your files.

If you still can’t connect to the device, contact WD Support.

Welcome to the Community.

Are you able to connect while inside your local network? If so, what have you tried so far? Did you disable and re-enable remote access? Did you reboot the unit? Did you check if your router is now blocking access after an IP address renewal?

Dear Trancer, 

Yes, I’m able to connect inside my local network. I’m already disabled and re-enabled remote acess, but it doesn’t work. Yes, I’m rebooted many times and it doesn´t work too. 

The only thing that I didn´t do is check my router is blocking the IP. How can I do that? Do you know? I already try to fix my IP address and it doesn´t work.

Thank you so much. 

Each router is different. You would need to log in to your router and then enable port-forwarding while selecting available ports matching those on your NAS.