Update: Firmware 04.04.00-308

I thought it was time to take the plunge on the new firmware, so have installed it on my ‘test cloud’ device, which I’d recently wiped back with a quick factory restore.

Upgrade took ten minutes from start to new, white UI appearing.

All previous settings seem to have been retained.

Twonky has benn upgraded from 7.2.9 to 7.2.9-6, the only difference seeming to be the addition of an ‘Online Services’ tab in Settings, which I have yet to get to grips with.

More significantly for Twonky, it looks like the sharing folder settings are no longer broken by the firmware upgrade; it’s still pointing to the directory and media type I had it set to before the upgrade. Also, if I disable Twonky by using the Settings|Media|Media Streaming control, then enable it again, the Sharing settings are unchanged. Result!

Cycling the Media Streaming leaves the other settings in place, too.

It still creates the ‘Shared Media’ folders.

If I move the ‘Shared Media’ folders by editing the twonkyserver.ini file, the resulting folders created by Twonky are inaccessible to me, even though they’re created in Public. If I do ls -al in /shares/, I see that the old folders are 775 access, and the new ones are 776. If I chmod 775 these new folders, I can get into them again. But, of course, I can’t write to them. So I use chmod 777, and can now write to them. This needs fixing. Yeah, I know I’m using SSH to moify the twonkyserver.ini file, but that’s the only way I can tell Twonky to put the ‘Shared Media’ folders in a sensible place; I have no choice. Even if I leave Twonky to use the default ‘Public/Shared Media’ folders, these are also 776, and cannot be accessed via File Ex[plorer (permission denied).

As Bennor noted on the first OS3 .303 firmware, settings pages slide in from the right, somewhat pointlessly; smacks of ‘developers with too much time on their hands’. Which, considering the chaos of recent weeks, is a little galling. I guess there’s a distinction between GUI development and ‘guts’ develpment, in terms of skillsets.

Can’t change the SSH password from the default via the Dashboard UI.

Not tried any of the new apps yet.

There’s nothing on it yet, so content scan is idle.

The thumbnailer and indexing services were running: now stopped and disabled.

Under Settings|General|Cloud Access, there is a new control ‘USB Content Availability’, which says it can control whether an external USB drive is visible to the cloud. This may be intended to overcome the vulnerability that USB Safepoints are created as Public.

Thus far, I’m pretty underwhelmed. Maybe the wonderful new apps will excite me.