Unable to configure Plex

I have a 4TB MyCloud Home. I enable Plex in the “Do More” option, but when I click Configure, a browser attempts to open and fails. I am trying to create a media server for my DVD’s but am unable to get the server to show “available”. Is there a limitation on WD that does not allow Plex to work?


Enable Plex

Yes, but if you read my post, when I click enable and then configure I get the error message and can’t finish configuring

I have the same problem. I have 2 local servers, one has disappeared from Plex. I’ve re-installed Plex several times now but cannot access the “Configure” page. I get a 404 every time.
The other server is perfectly fine - so far.
Both have been updated to the latest version.
What’s happening, WD?

That configure link has been broken since the dawn of time. Your Plex server can be accessed at:

If you want my opinion…if you want to run a Plex server get a better device. The drive is slow, has poor hardware encoding, and after the latest FW update for the MCH the media files kept unmounting from the drive and I had to keep rebooting it on a daily basis.

I’m also coming to the conclusion that I may return my MCH but what can you buy for a similar price? This 4Tb one only cost £160, I can’t afford £250+ for an NAS