Trying to resurrect My Cloud EX4 - Power? HD Fail

Hello. I bought a used My Cloud EX4 off of EBay a while back (4-5 years?). I hardly used it - maybe connecting once. I know would like to connect it to my Mac (Sonoma 14). I believe I misplaced the Power adaptor. I plugged in a 12vX 5W Max Power adapter I had lying around (HOIOTO). The EX4 powered up - all was blue - went through HD checks and the it went red - all HDs failed. I hardly used the EX4 and it was sitting formant for a long time. Is this a power issue? I saw a post stating that the EX4 needed something like 95 Watts. If not the PS did all my HDs die just siting there?

Also since I’m newbie again - I tried connecting to the EX4 using the web logon - but I suppose since my HDs failed it didn’t work. Is there an App for MacOSX - Mac silicon I can install?

I will keep looking for the PS but if you guys can make any recommendations on why HDs failed - is it Power or did they just die?

Also any tips/apps help in getting the EX4 up and running on my Mac if I can get the HDs to pass.


I found this on WD support page for PS


|My Cloud EX4|19 Volts
4.74 Amps
90 Watts|
| — | — |

I thought somewhere it said 12 Volt supply

It was PS. I found a mini computer PS (19VX6.32A - a bit more than that is required but it works.

Now I can’t seem to get into the EX4. It won’t show on network. I used the website login from how to guide:


that doesn’t work.

I used the setup website:
doesn’t work.

Is there a SW App I can install to access EX4?

I finally got into my EX4. I reset the Admin PW with a 4 second reset.

I finally got into the Dashboard - everything looks okay.

Can I still update the EX4? My firmware is 2.12.127, When I click on the firmware tab it says it couldn’t find the network server. I know support was shutdown. Can you perform a offline update for the EX4?

Also what about the OS? I saw a link to update to OS 5 offline.

Okay manually updated FW to 2.13.108. Reading further it seems like EX4 does not support new OS 5. Is the true - or has this changed?

Hi @oharag,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

2.13.108 is the last firmware for the EX4. The EX4 went End of Life (EOL back in April 2022.

OS5 is not supported. :frowning:

So we’re stuck with it as is. Mine still works well.

Hi Oharag – I’m in the same situation as you, trying to get an Ex4 to work with a 10 year old Mac setup. Can I ask – did you have to install any software (I’m running Monterey)? Thanks in advance! Stefan

None at all ndajz. Connect the EX4 to your network (hub - router or back of Mac ethernet). You have to know the IP address of your EX4 (I don’t know if you can change this or it is hard coded). You can find the IP using the up/down buttons on the front of the EX4. One you know this you can enter the IP address in your browser. In order to get it on the network you have to add network under settings and type in your IP and DNS address of your router. I think this all I had to do. I created a new user account and set privileges. I am having issues with copying between my NAS and my EX4 (just posted today). Other than that I got my EX4 up and running - and I’m not a networking guru.
As for older OSes I can’t say for sure. I’m running Sonoma on a Mac M1. Though I bought this EX4 a long time ago - and I have no doubt I was running older Mac OS.
I downloaded some SW from WD Discovery thinking this was needed - but I believe this is for Usb connected HDs ony. Again if you know your EX4 IP and have a web browser you can mount the EX4 interface. I have issues with it loading on Safari sometimes - I just hit reload and it comes up.
Good luck.

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Yeah being away for a long time it’s understandable that WD has to move on. In some ways I read OS5 had more limitations than OS3. The one benefit was security in OS5. I’m going to use my EX4 for local backup for my NAS - so no accessing EX4 remotely.

I just love to get the latest and greatest. I got my PowerPC Powerbook G4 up and running with the latest Leopard - man that was challenging but I love a challenge. I did update my EX4 FW to latest. All good. Thanks for responses.

Kerrti_01 this is soooo old I highly doubt they
ll address any questions - maybe through these forums?

I have to locate my original PS for the EX4 that’s all. I was wondering what power requirements are for the EX4. I’m using my PS for one of my mini computers and it’s working. I highly doubt I tossed the EX4 PS - but I think it specifically doesn’t say Western Digital on it which is weird.

As you already discovered, the specs are 19v, 4.7a, barrel is Neg, center post Pos. Hopefully the pic shows with the full specs.

Wow cool thanks for pic. This helps. I found an Asian Power PS in my junk box, but it’s 12volt at 1.5 amp. I tried this and it didn’t work. The reason I posted this thread was because of this. I finally did find out specs required for my EX4. I’m using a PS from my mini PC. I have to poke around again - there’s no way I tossed this PS. I always save old cables and PS.

BTW do you know if the EX4 can be upgraded to larger HDs? I have 4X3TB for a total of 12 TB. My Synology NAS is 40TB.

Thanks so much for coming back – really helpful :slight_smile:

On the upgrade, don’t know for sure, the manual doesn’t say. The preconfigured ones went up to 16tb total (4x4). I’ve found some other posts that say up to 12tb/bay. One guy has 4x12TBs in spanning mode.

Mine is 4x2TB in Raid 5. I’m at less than 50% so I don’t envision upgrading soon. :slight_smile:

Hey since I got a good amount of responses to this post I was hoping to add to my issues with EX4. You guys helped me get it up and running - and now I’m still trying to figure out its quarks.

So file transfer speeds are SLOOOOWWWW. I searched the internet for some info. I read a few tips - just wanted to present these to the Team and get feedback.

So setup - I have 1 gbe ethernet network. I have an Asus wireless router upstairs with 3 ports (1 gbe). Attached to the ports are: my Mac mini - My Synoogy NAS and my MC EX4. When I transfer files from Suynology to EX4 it’s slow. I mean transferring 830 GB of data will take 2 days per my Copy dialog on Mac. So I looked at ways to improve (first reasons for the slow transfer first then how to fix). Some people said to turn on Jumbo Frames (I set to 9000). I turned on Jumbo Frames on Asus router and Synology and EX4. No difference. So I get it - sometimes network issues prevent true speeds - buy 2 days? I went to an online network calculator and even setting it to 100mbps instead of 1000mbps 830 GB should transfer in 18hours - 1 gbe in 2 hours.

So I didn’t replace the network cables - this will be something I will do. Just wanted to see if anyone had thoughts. I read Jumbo Frames shouldn’t be turned on - but I tested it and it made no difference. The files I’m transferring vary in sizes - but are rather large. I get my EX$ is old - slow HDs - is that the deciding factor? Is it the processor in the EX4? I’m consuming 50% of my 512MB memory and at times 100% of my CPU.

This is what my Network says
Network 0.14MB Tx,4.29MB Rx

The network activity seems slow - no?

Thanks. I will report back once I switch my ethernet cables.