Trying to recover mycloud 3TB gen 2

Hello i have problem with mycloud 3TB gen 2. I was playing with debian and OMV, i managed to install everything properly but it wasnt working flawlessly - many errors…
So i make decision to get back to original firmware (stock), i went through all procedure including formating hdd under linux and copying recovery uRamdisk and uImage. Now mycloud reboot to Safe Mode with firmware 1.01.007. I have downoladed My_Cloud_GLCR_2.10.302.bin firmware butcant upload it, to mycloud, counter stops at 0% and nothing happens - blinking red light changes to solid red. Looks like i have problem with uploading firmware, ist there any other way to upload this firmware to mycloud for example form linux consle ?
Thanks in advance for any help !

You are trying to upload OS3 firmware to the device. This is the OS5 subforum. See, and search through using the forum search feature (magnifying glass icon top right), the OS3 My Cloud subforum where there are several past discussions that deal with the issue you are facing.

OS3 My Cloud

Also make sure to use the correct firmware for the second gen single bay My Cloud. One can download the latest second gen OS3 v2.x firmware directly from the WD Support site:

Single Bay My Cloud Product Support

Firmware Release 2.42.115 (1/18/2022)

Thanks for quick respond.
I wrote in OS5 subforum because before i was operating on OS5.
Actually i read through many posts is os3 subforum and unfortunately didnt find case similar to mine ;(.
Tried to upload firmware you pointed 2.42.115 but it just stops at 0% and solid red light goes up.

Sometimes one may have to run through the unbrick process two or three times before it “sticks” and the device can be recovered. Make sure, when partitioning and formatting the drive you use the exact values specified in Fox_Exe’s gen 2 directions. Fox’s directions have two methods, try the other if one of the two doesn’t work.

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Thank you for your support, i followed other procedure wrote in spanish and it finally worked