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When I set up my MyCloud, I set it to have a Timemachine backup share. However, whenever the NAS is in use by another user (such as myself from the main computer), it fails…
Doesn’t seem reasonable. Can backups ONLY be done when there are no other activities on the NAS?
While we’re at it, does anyone have experience of this unit (PR4100 24TB) on a Mac with Catalina or Mojave, in terms of when and how the network unit is recognised etc?
I’ve got 3 Macs (os 10.14.6) plus iPads and an AppleTV all connected to a PR4100. Never had a problem with simultaneous access. All Macs back up via TimeMachine to the NAS.
I have 4 drives installed in the NAS, setup as RAID 5. The Time Machine volume/folder is used only for Time Machine backups and is setup as Public (no password). All other data is in other shared folders, some public and some requiring a password.
I have the PR4100 Setup in my non profit and have about 18 users backing up to it using Time Machine. The users are receiving lots of different error messages:
integrity issues
time machine backup failed
time machine could not complete the backup. an error occurred while copying files.
Once a user was asked if they want to inherit another users backup??!!
I use to have the 4 TB My Cloud Mirror and was receiving these errors and thought it was a space issue so I purchased the larger NAS. Not the issue! All mac are running OS 10.13 or 10.14