We have a Macbook Pro and a Macbook Air that I am not able to backup to MyCloud Home Duo using Time Machine. I am not sure this is only since I updated to “Big Slur” on the Macs or did it happen earlier. Never the less, when I discovered that the backups failed from both Macs I initially deleted the backup folders associated with each of the macs on the “TimemachineBackup” folder on the MyCloud Home which didn’t resolve the issue. I can see the “MyCloud - NNNNN” folder and “TimemachineBackup” sub-folder in Finder okay and I can copy files to it okay. However, when I try to run Timemachine Backup it fails and states “The backup disk image could not be created.” Any clues?
Please refer to the following KBA article: My Cloud Home: Time Machine Backups with Registered User