mike27oct wrote:
It does not look good – WD apparently got the word from Apple that they “fixed” the bug of it working as it used to. I would be surprised if it ever works like this again.
Sorry but I don’t believe that Apple would deliberately break this functionality. To do so would restrict the use of DRM videos so much as to make it impractical. iDevices simply don’t have enough capacity to carry around a collection of high quality movies or videos. Copying (or downloading) DRM media to an iDevice for use in the short term is a large inconvenience for users, even if they are willing to use iTunes. There isn’t any simple file copy capability in iOS. It all has to be done in Apps.
Yes, you can stream from the Cloud to an iOS device using the iOS videos App. But the Cloud isn’t always available, certainly outside certain countries, and not in remote areas, or on aircraft, or travelling on a road trip in many cases. Not to forget that every time you stream the video from the Cloud, you are paying for data usage. That can be VERY expensive in certain locations and countries.
Streaming DRM media from large wireless hard or flash drives was and is the obvious solution.
Besides, the objective of DRM is to protect copyright media. DRM media streamed over either a wireless or wired network to an iDevice still has DRM intact until an approved player on the iDevice plays it. So there is no break in the digital path that exposes a DRM free version of the media to be saved along the way. If Apple have decided to use DRM to force people to use their technologies exclusively they may find that the content owners have something to say about that.
No, more likely their DRM regime has become so complex that when they tried to tweak something in iOS 8, they broke it, and now they are struggling to fix it.
If it is true, where is the official WD statement of the Apple communication?
The folk at AirStash also believe it is a bug.
Mind you, Apple have made no comment over here: