Strange and doing my head in!

Ok, so finally got round to doing my MBL updates. I did the smartware first and was fine. Then I used the auto update for the MBL upgrade, but nothing seemed to happen. I then attempted the manual loading and it gets stuck on the importing file part.

I’ve reset, rebooted, powered down the MBL (as per other suggestions having searched the forum)  but no joy. The MBL has a constant flashing green light on it.

I can access the GUI and my files over the mapped drive. However, if I attempt to change any settings such as turn off remote access, or turn on auto updates the MBL freezes on save in progress !!!

I’ve run out of ideas other than factory restore, but wondered if anyone can give me any pointers before trying that.


Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support