I am SO frustrated.

I’ve owned my MyCloud for over a year now and am STILL dealing with non-sleep issues.

I have followed as much advice as I can that I’ve been able to find in these scattered threads and from WDs own advice, but I’m STILL having the no sleep problem.

Come on WD - take this problem seriously. Next time I need to upgrade I’ll be looking at other providers.

There should at the very least by some sort of dashboard item that lets me see what’s keeping my device “busy” and spinning non-stop.

Instead the best that’s offered is this link here:

which is a LONG laundry list of things to try/“shots in the dark” that a) would take a very long time to get through as you try each, restart and wait to see if they worked or not and b) is very intimidating and hard to understand for an average user.

I’ve tried as many as I can and I still have the problem. (although after changing from DHCP to Static IP the drive did sleep - but only for about 2 hours!)

I’ve downloaded the server logs and scoured the “user.log” for clues and found a lot of “7 second” wake ups and “notice restsdk[6124]: watch.go:109: Stat(), error: stat /tmp/dynamicconfig.ini: no such file or directory” errors - both apparently known issues for some time now.

I then searched the boards and found myself messing in SSH, downloading Putty and inputting linux command lines to “kill processes” etc. - non of which I’m very comfortable with, but which I tried and still didn’t work for me anyway…

I’m done!

So many of us have this problem and I’m sure that the solutions ARE here, strewn about all the community threads on this issue.

WD should be able to do better. I currently own a MyBook Live, MyCloud and a standalone MyBook. In other words I could be seen as pretty loyal to WD. The lack of attention to this frustrating problem will cause me to look elsewhere for my next drive purchase…

Hopefully there’ll be some progress in the next firmware release (if there ever is one), else, Sayanora WD!

1 Like

…Well, You can imagine my surprise (and delight) when I noticed the latest firmware update (320) that promised to “Resolve the issue of MyCloud device waking up from standby despite no activity”.

I rebooted, installed the update (no reported errors), rebooted and waited… and waited… and waited… and…


I opened the user log and once again I see literally HUNDREDS of messages just like this:

2017-10-27T20:23:12.111636-04:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice restsdk[6409]: watch.go:109: Stat(), error: stat /tmp/dynamicconfig.ini: no such file or directory.

What is this “dynamicconfig.ini” file? (and I wonder how it could have gone missing…)

Does anyone know how to fix this? - preferably without loosing any data?

If I REALLY have to I’ll do a complete destructive reset but that would leave me with a HUGE amount of rebuilding to do - not to mention the time involved and I’d like to be reassured that the missing file would regenerate itself before going through all that just to wind up back in the same place…

You need to stop the restsdk process. YOu can either kill it or you can ssh into the My Cloud and
sh /etc/rc2.d/S20restsdk-serverd stop

It takes 10 minutes of no disk activity before the system will sleep. The fix reported in the new firmware
fixes a problem of the system waking up with no activity. The problem here is that the system needs to go to sleep for this fix to work.

Have you asked WD Support…?

I know it’s a long shot, but…

The dynamicconfig.ini file problem first showed up in sept 15. I don’t recall ever seeing an answer
why this file is missing,

1 Like

Well, I did more digging around and, apart from killing the process as noted by Rac above, the only other thing I found out about “dynamicconfig.ini” was that turning ON Cloud Access might address it.

…so that’s what I did (even though it’s the opposite of what WD suggest in their TS article above).

Guess what? The log errors stopped and now the drive has FINALLY gone into standby!

I’ll leave it like that for a few days to get feel for how well it “sleeps” - or stays in sleep. Then I’ll turn it (Cloud Service) back OFF and see if the errors start again.

Note that I never had cloud service turned on on this device, so maybe turning it on created this file which might persist even after I turn it off again thus avoiding the “no such file” error… Anyway. I’ll see how it works out and report back here in a few days…


…So now the drive goes to sleep - but looking at the logs it’s for completely random periods of time and keeps wakening up again for no reason that I can decipher. (suggestions welcome)

Everything I can think of is off: DLNA, Twonky, Time Machine, Network time, I’ve got a static IP.

This firmware update hasn’t helped me at all…

Here’s an extract from tonight:

2017-11-29T19:36:06.678092-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 7 (since 2017-11-29 19:35:59.340000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T19:46:26.622884-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 9 (since 2017-11-29 19:46:17.840000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T20:17:11.312974-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 1234 (since 2017-11-29 19:56:37.650000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T20:43:10.680146-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 948 (since 2017-11-29 20:27:22.200000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T21:00:31.943701-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 430 (since 2017-11-29 20:53:21.550000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T21:36:18.588075-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 1536 (since 2017-11-29 21:10:42.820000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T21:46:37.314117-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 7 (since 2017-11-29 21:46:30.010000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T22:00:18.159386-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 210 (since 2017-11-29 21:56:48.430000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T22:12:36.783965-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 127 (since 2017-11-29 22:10:29.090000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T22:22:55.087380-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 8 (since 2017-11-29 22:22:47.920000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T22:33:14.612256-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 7 (since 2017-11-29 22:33:07.210000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T22:50:01.099054-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 396 (since 2017-11-29 22:43:25.670000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T23:00:19.384360-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 7 (since 2017-11-29 23:00:12.200000001 -0500)

Any input welcome…

Ring… Ring… Ring…
WD Support: Hello, WD Tech Support
Customer: Yes hello, what is a dynamicconfig.ini file? mine is missing…
WD Support: oh, it a config file that is used when dynamically configuring your system
Customer: and what does it dynamically configures?
WD Support: it configures your system dynamically and that is the ini file that it uses.
Customer: well, it is missing
WD Support: Really? how do you know it is missing?
Customer: I looked and it isn’t there…
WD Support: but how did you know that it was supposed to be there, after all, maybe it is supposed to be missing since it is not there?
Customer: why are you asking me?
WD Support: ok wait a minute… let me ask another tech support guy… Hey John? do you know anything about a Dynamicconfig.ini file that is missing?
WD Support John: nope, but on the forum, a customer says that if you turn on the cloud access, the file appears.
WD Support back to the customer: Did you hear that? just turn on Cloud access…
Customer: ok great…
WD Support: yeah if you ever have problems, just head to the forums and post it up, someone will always have the answers.
Customer: I thought that is what you guys do?
WD Support: well since we didn’t write the firmware since it is farmed out, we have no idea of what it does. However if you have a problem that seems to be related to hardware, we will trade you a refurbished unit for your new drive.
Customer: how do you know it is firmware or hardware related?
WD Support: well there is no difference between the two problems, we just offer to trade your new drive for a refurbished drive anyway. Do you want to RMA your drive now?


Check the file /etc/standby.conf. It has the sleep time. You need to search the forum for sleep issues. You
will see that you need to stop a few processes to get better sleep times. The system does wake up at 00:00AM
03:00AM 08:00am 16:00pm. If you look into the cron jobs you will see what will wake the system. Every 8 hours it does a log rotate. At 03:00 it wakes up to check for new firmware and other house keeping functions.

…So I turned cloud access back OFF. Now my log shows other errors I’ve not seen before…


2017-11-29T23:00:19.384360-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 7 (since 2017-11-29 23:00:12.200000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T23:27:11.063413-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice logger: exit standby after 8 (since 2017-11-29 23:27:03.640000001 -0500)
2017-11-29T23:30:35.000426-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX warning wdmcserver: Received signal 2, stopping listeners.
2017-11-29T23:30:35.567978-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX info wdphotodbmerger: /data/workspace/workspace/wdmcserver_3.0.1/src/wdphotodbmerger/NotificationListener.cpp:130: Creating the notification socket /tmp/WDMCNotification.socket
2017-11-29T23:30:37.829455-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice restsdk[6409]: paths.go:49: Could not dial crawler socket at ‘/tmp/WDMCRequest.socket’, error: dial unix /tmp/WDMCRequest.socket: connect: connection refused
2017-11-29T23:30:47.830907-05:00 di=wHxsG70otX notice restsdk[6409]: paths.go:49: Could not dial crawler socket at ‘/tmp/WDMCRequest.socket’, error: dial unix /tmp/WDMCRequest.socket: connect: connection refused
(“connection refused” repeats every 10 secs ad nauseum…)

I’m going to do a 'System Restore"…

Wish WD would do a better job documenting some of this stuff…

(BTW I know I briefly posted about sleep delay possibly being 30 mins I deleted that post because looking at the logs I found that that was just co-incidence… My sleep config file still says “standby_time=10”. Sorry for any confusion…)

Another issue that causes the disk not to sleep. The inodes are constantly being updated. To get around this
issue the following command.
mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /dev/root /

When I say that inodes are constantly updated It is the access time the causes the inode to be rewritten every
time the system accesses a file.
This is my /etc/rc2.d/S98user-start file. This file gets run on every boot. My system sleeps more than 80% of the time…
more S98user-start
/etc/rc2.d/S03atop stop
/etc/rc2.d/S20nfs-common stop
/etc/rc2.d/S20nfs-kernel-server stop
/etc/rc2.d/S20restsdk-serverd stop
/etc/rc2.d/S20winbind stop
/etc/rc2.d/S50netatalk stop
/etc/rc2.d/S60mDNSResponder stop
/etc/rc2.d/S61upnp_nas stop
/etc/rc2.d/S85twonky stop
/etc/rc2.d/S85wdmcserverd stop
/etc/rc2.d/S86wdphotodbmergerd stop
/etc/rc2.d/S92wdnotifierd stop
/etc/rc2.d/S95wdAutoMount stop
mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /dev/root /

minidlna? Is that a standard install…? Or is it one you’ve added?

It’s a useful list, but is there any chance you could identify the consequences of some of the services you’ve stopped. I recognise some, but others are a bit mysterious, even after googling… And I imagine some are inter-related.

mDNSResponder & netatalk - Apple-related services?
interesting that you’ve left itunes active.

nfs-common & nfs-kernel-server - Presumably the NFS service…?

restsdk-serverd - required for remote access support?

winbind - hmmm… something to do with getting Windows to see the thing…?

upnp_nas - not sure if this is for UPnP for DLNA, or UPnP for controlling a router

twonky - the Twonky DLNA server, obviously

wdmcserverd & wdphotodbmergerd - the indexing and thumbnailing crawlers

wdnotifierd & wdAutoMount - don’t know

atop - process recording?

Minidlna is a media server. I’ve been using it for years. It dosen’t have the problem that wdmcserverd has with all of the disk activity. minidlna uses inotify in the kernel to be notified when a new file is added to the folder you are streaming movies.
wdnotifierd and wdAutomount appear to be used by the USB devices. Some of the scripts I have no idea what they do.
I have a script to show sleeptimes.

more sleep.awk
awk ’
NR==1 { a=substr($1,6,2); b=substr($1,9,2); c=substr($1,12,8); y=substr($1,1,4)}
{if ($7 ~ /after/){
TotalSleep = TotalSleep + $8
printf “%2s %2s %8s %8s %5d %2d:%02d:%02d\n”,substr($1,6,2),substr($1,9,2) ,substr($11,0,9),substr($
1,12,8),$8 ,hh1,mm1,ss1}}
printf “Total Sleep Time: %2d:%02d:%02d\n” ,hh1,mm1,ss1
start= a “/” b “/” y " " c
“date +%Y”|getline year
end= substr($1,6,2) “/” substr($1,9,2) “/” year " " substr($1,12,8)
#print start " " end
cmd=“date --date="”$1"" +%s"
#print cmd
cmd|getline st
printf “Start %s\n” ,st
cmd=“date --date="”$1"" +%s"
cmd|getline end
#print cmd
printf “End %s\n” ,end
WakeTime= int(100 - Percent)
printf “Total Up Time: %2d:%02d:%02d %2d%% Sleep %2d%% Wake\n” ,hh1,mm1,ss1,Percent,WakeTime

I call this awk script with the following script
gunzip -c /var/log/user.log.2.gz > tmpuserlog
cat tmpuserlog /var/log/user.log.1 /var/log/user.log|/nfs/George/sleep.awk
rm tmpuserlog

My files are in a folder called George. You will need to change George to the folder name where you put the files.
These files are for the gen1 My Cloud. There is a different file for the gen2.

Yes, I know it’s a DLNA media server. I was just surprised to see it, since the MyCloud has the Twonky DLNA media server.

Is it a standard install, or have you added it?

Yes the sleep issue on the first gen (and I assume the second gen) is extremely frustrating. With the latest v4.x firmware that has a supposed sleep fix, I seem to be getting a little better sleep times. But the My Cloud still wakes from time to time for no apparent easy found reason at all.

Current S98user-start script:

/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop
/etc/init.d/wdphotodbmergerd stop
/etc/rc2.d/S20restsdk-serverd stop
mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /dev/root /

Sleep time results post update.

11 29 13:12:01 13:12:36    35  0:00:35
11 29 13:22:49 13:25:09   140  0:02:20
11 29 13:35:22 13:39:43   261  0:04:21
11 29 13:49:56 13:50:16    20  0:00:20
11 29 14:00:29 14:00:36     7  0:00:07
11 29 14:10:49 14:13:03   134  0:02:14
11 29 14:23:16 14:39:23   967  0:16:07
11 29 14:49:36 14:51:04    88  0:01:28
11 29 15:01:17 15:01:24     7  0:00:07
11 29 15:11:37 15:17:09   332  0:05:32
11 29 15:27:22 15:36:35   553  0:09:13
11 29 16:11:24 16:11:31     7  0:00:07
11 29 16:21:44 16:25:47   243  0:04:03
11 29 16:36:00 16:40:55   295  0:04:55
11 29 16:51:08 16:57:35   387  0:06:27
11 29 17:07:48 17:10:42   174  0:02:54
11 29 17:20:55 17:28:24   449  0:07:29
11 29 17:38:37 17:38:48    11  0:00:11
11 29 18:11:29 18:11:36     7  0:00:07
11 29 18:21:49 18:39:58  1089  0:18:09
11 29 18:52:14 18:52:22     8  0:00:08
11 29 19:11:47 19:11:54     7  0:00:07
11 29 19:22:07 19:22:12     5  0:00:05
11 29 22:46:05 22:46:13     7  0:00:07
11 30 22:56:25 00:01:10  3885  1:04:45
11 30 00:11:23 00:30:09  1126  0:18:46
11 30 00:40:22 00:43:20   178  0:02:58
11 30 00:53:32 02:48:09  6877  1:54:37
11 30 03:15:42 03:15:49     7  0:00:07
11 30 03:26:02 03:40:27   865  0:14:25
11 30 03:50:40 06:03:36  7976  2:12:56
11 30 06:33:17 06:33:24     7  0:00:07
11 30 07:18:39 07:18:47     8  0:00:08
11 30 07:28:59 07:35:00   361  0:06:01
11 30 09:44:09 09:44:16     7  0:00:07
11 30 09:54:29 09:59:45   316  0:05:16
11 30 10:15:10 10:15:17     7  0:00:07
11 30 10:25:30 10:41:34   964  0:16:04
11 30 10:51:47 12:19:05  5238  1:27:18
11 30 13:01:23 13:01:31     8  0:00:08
11 30 13:11:44 13:12:51    67  0:01:07
11 30 13:31:14 13:41:09   594  0:09:54
11 30 14:11:53 14:12:00     7  0:00:07
11 30 14:22:13 14:27:16   303  0:05:03
11 30 15:04:09 15:04:17     8  0:00:08
11 30 15:14:30 15:15:03    33  0:00:33
11 30 15:29:22 15:29:29     7  0:00:07
11 30 15:39:43 15:39:50     7  0:00:07
11 30 15:50:03 16:00:01   597  0:09:57
Total Sleep Time:  9:09:57
Start 1511978531
End 1512075601
Total Up Time: 26:57:50 35% Sleep 65% Wake

In the past I was getting a somewhat consistent 8% Sleep 92% Wake.

In the past I resorted to turning/shutting down the My Cloud off at night or when not being used for long periods of time because the My Cloud kept waking up constantly at night when only the My Cloud and ISP’s Arris NVG589 router were active on the local network. Otherwise during daytime use bringing a computer out of sleep mode tends to trigger the My Cloud to come out of sleep mode.

One thing I haven’t done since the new firmware update is review the file to see if the firmware removed the previous edit to fix the 8 second wakeup issue discussed in the past.

I added it. Since I was using it on my DNS-323 NAS.

This is my sleep time since Nov 8th. I don’t know how to display it in a window with a scroll bar. I’m on the laptop several times a day. I have two desktops that are on from 7:50PM to 11:30PM 6 days a week. Along with other times I use the one desktop. All systems are on the same network.

11 20 21:46:46 00:30:11 9805 2:43:25
11 20 00:40:23 00:40:30 7 0:00:07
11 20 00:50:42 03:00:12 7770 2:09:30
11 20 03:15:16 03:17:11 115 0:01:55
11 20 03:27:22 08:51:34 19452 5:24:12
11 20 09:01:45 09:08:42 417 0:06:57
11 20 09:18:53 09:53:39 2086 0:34:46
11 20 10:03:50 11:34:20 5430 1:30:30
11 20 11:44:31 12:26:31 2520 0:42:00
11 21 12:36:42 00:30:12 42810 11:53:30
11 21 00:40:23 00:58:25 1082 0:18:02
11 21 01:08:37 01:17:11 514 0:08:34
11 21 01:27:22 03:00:11 5569 1:32:49
11 21 03:15:15 03:17:11 116 0:01:56
11 21 03:27:22 10:42:16 26094 7:14:54
11 21 11:12:49 11:17:12 263 0:04:23
11 22 11:27:23 00:04:24 45421 12:37:01
11 22 00:14:35 00:30:11 936 0:15:36
11 22 00:40:23 03:00:12 8388 2:19:48
11 22 03:15:20 03:15:27 7 0:00:07
11 22 03:25:38 08:21:21 17743 4:55:43
11 22 08:31:32 08:53:20 1308 0:21:48
11 22 09:13:41 12:02:24 10122 2:48:42
11 23 12:12:35 00:30:11 44256 12:17:36
11 23 00:40:22 00:58:12 1069 0:17:49
11 23 01:08:23 01:17:12 529 0:08:49
11 23 01:27:23 03:00:11 5568 1:32:48
11 23 03:15:15 03:17:11 116 0:01:56
11 23 03:27:22 09:30:45 21803 6:03:23
11 23 09:52:10 09:52:17 7 0:00:07
11 23 10:12:39 10:17:11 272 0:04:32
11 23 10:27:22 12:08:46 6084 1:41:24
11 23 12:18:57 15:30:18 11481 3:11:21
11 23 15:40:29 19:07:02 12393 3:26:33
11 23 19:20:23 19:20:31 8 0:00:08
11 23 19:30:42 20:51:57 4875 1:21:15
11 23 21:12:19 22:43:58 5499 1:31:39
11 23 22:54:09 23:31:02 2212 0:36:52
11 24 23:41:13 00:30:11 2938 0:48:58
11 24 00:40:23 00:41:48 85 0:01:25
11 24 00:51:59 03:00:11 7692 2:08:12
11 24 03:15:16 03:15:23 7 0:00:07
11 24 03:25:34 07:02:50 13036 3:37:16
11 24 07:13:01 07:22:39 578 0:09:38
11 24 07:32:50 08:17:11 2661 0:44:21
11 24 08:27:22 10:24:19 7017 1:56:57
11 24 10:34:30 10:57:58 1408 0:23:28
11 24 11:08:09 11:17:12 542 0:09:02
11 24 11:27:23 11:31:09 226 0:03:46
11 24 11:41:20 11:46:36 315 0:05:15
11 24 11:56:47 12:10:49 842 0:14:02
11 24 12:21:00 12:45:54 1494 0:24:54
11 24 12:56:05 15:33:46 9461 2:37:41
11 24 15:46:01 15:46:09 7 0:00:07
11 24 15:56:20 15:58:08 108 0:01:48
11 24 16:08:19 16:17:12 533 0:08:53
11 24 16:27:23 17:56:33 5350 1:29:10
11 24 18:06:44 18:17:11 627 0:10:27
11 24 18:27:22 23:47:45 19223 5:20:23
11 24 23:57:56 23:59:08 72 0:01:12
11 25 00:11:22 00:17:11 349 0:05:49
11 25 00:27:22 00:30:11 169 0:02:49
11 25 00:40:23 00:40:31 8 0:00:08
11 25 00:50:42 00:58:19 457 0:07:37
11 25 01:08:30 01:17:11 521 0:08:41
11 25 01:27:22 03:00:11 5569 1:32:49
11 25 03:15:16 03:15:23 7 0:00:07
11 25 03:25:34 08:52:39 19625 5:27:05
11 25 09:13:03 09:13:10 7 0:00:07
11 25 09:23:21 09:32:33 552 0:09:12
11 25 09:42:44 09:45:49 185 0:03:05
11 25 09:56:00 09:58:02 122 0:02:02
11 25 10:08:13 10:21:22 788 0:13:08
11 25 10:31:34 12:05:28 5634 1:33:54
11 25 12:15:39 12:45:59 1820 0:30:20
11 25 12:56:10 16:00:11 11041 3:04:01
11 25 16:10:22 16:17:11 409 0:06:49
11 25 16:27:22 18:02:43 5721 1:35:21
11 25 18:12:54 19:49:09 5775 1:36:15
11 25 19:59:20 23:05:19 11158 3:05:58
11 26 23:15:30 00:00:11 2681 0:44:41
11 26 00:11:24 00:30:12 1128 0:18:48
11 26 00:40:23 00:40:31 8 0:00:08
11 26 00:50:42 00:57:11 389 0:06:29
11 26 01:07:22 01:17:12 590 0:09:50
11 26 01:27:23 03:00:11 5568 1:32:48
11 26 03:15:15 03:15:22 7 0:00:07
11 26 03:25:33 03:28:05 152 0:02:32
11 26 03:38:16 04:17:11 2335 0:38:55
11 26 04:27:22 08:51:36 15854 4:24:14
11 26 09:01:48 09:02:11 23 0:00:23
11 26 09:12:22 09:16:16 234 0:03:54
11 26 09:28:30 09:28:38 8 0:00:08
11 26 09:38:49 10:04:22 1533 0:25:33
11 26 10:14:34 10:17:12 158 0:02:38
11 26 10:27:23 12:23:31 6968 1:56:08
11 26 12:33:42 22:13:28 34786 9:39:46
11 27 22:23:40 00:30:11 7591 2:06:31
11 27 00:40:22 00:42:10 108 0:01:48
11 27 00:52:22 00:58:17 355 0:05:55
11 27 01:08:28 01:17:12 524 0:08:44
11 27 01:27:23 03:00:11 5568 1:32:48
11 27 03:15:15 03:15:22 7 0:00:07
11 27 03:25:33 04:53:54 5301 1:28:21
11 27 05:04:07 05:17:11 784 0:13:04
11 27 05:27:22 11:18:36 21074 5:51:14
11 27 11:30:51 11:55:08 1457 0:24:17
11 27 12:05:19 12:15:25 606 0:10:06
11 27 12:25:37 13:08:26 2569 0:42:49
11 27 13:18:37 13:47:05 1708 0:28:28
11 27 13:57:16 19:00:51 18215 5:03:35
11 27 19:11:02 20:29:45 4723 1:18:43
11 27 20:46:04 20:46:11 7 0:00:07
11 27 21:06:33 21:11:52 319 0:05:19
11 27 21:22:03 21:24:05 122 0:02:02
11 27 21:44:27 22:18:39 2052 0:34:12
11 28 00:20:52 00:21:00 8 0:00:08
11 28 01:11:55 01:12:03 8 0:00:08
11 28 01:32:25 01:34:07 102 0:01:42
11 28 02:21:59 02:23:48 109 0:01:49
11 28 03:46:04 03:46:11 7 0:00:07
11 28 05:38:12 05:38:59 47 0:00:47
11 28 08:38:13 08:38:21 7 0:00:07
11 28 08:48:32 12:08:35 12003 3:20:03
11 28 12:18:47 13:08:27 2980 0:49:40
11 28 13:18:38 13:28:08 570 0:09:30
11 28 13:38:19 17:45:29 14830 4:07:10
11 28 17:55:40 18:05:00 560 0:09:20
11 28 18:15:11 19:13:07 3476 0:57:56
11 28 19:23:18 22:32:21 11343 3:09:03
11 28 22:42:33 23:17:11 2078 0:34:38
11 29 23:27:22 00:02:01 2079 0:34:39
11 29 00:12:12 00:30:12 1080 0:18:00
11 29 00:42:26 00:42:34 8 0:00:08
11 29 00:52:45 02:00:29 4064 1:07:44
11 29 02:10:40 03:00:12 2972 0:49:32
11 29 03:15:16 03:17:11 115 0:01:55
11 29 03:27:22 08:01:25 16443 4:34:03
11 29 08:11:36 10:51:08 9572 2:39:32
11 29 11:14:34 11:14:42 8 0:00:08
11 29 11:24:53 12:00:03 2110 0:35:10
11 29 12:12:17 12:12:24 7 0:00:07
11 29 12:22:35 13:08:33 2758 0:45:58
11 29 13:18:44 15:02:26 6222 1:43:42
11 29 15:12:37 18:07:02 10465 2:54:25
11 29 18:20:17 18:22:11 114 0:01:54
11 29 18:32:22 23:26:06 17624 4:53:44
11 29 23:45:28 23:45:35 7 0:00:07
11 29 23:55:46 23:58:07 141 0:02:21
11 30 00:08:18 00:17:12 534 0:08:54
11 30 00:27:23 00:30:11 168 0:02:48
11 30 00:40:22 00:40:30 8 0:00:08
11 30 00:50:41 02:00:27 4186 1:09:46
11 30 02:10:38 03:00:11 2973 0:49:33
11 30 03:15:16 03:15:23 7 0:00:07
11 30 03:25:34 07:15:55 13819 3:50:19
11 30 07:26:05 07:53:07 1622 0:27:02
11 30 08:05:21 08:05:29 8 0:00:08
11 30 08:15:40 08:16:36 56 0:00:56
11 30 08:26:47 08:28:05 78 0:01:18
11 30 08:38:16 10:21:29 6193 1:43:13
11 30 10:31:40 10:55:41 1441 0:24:01
11 30 11:05:52 11:24:56 1144 0:19:04
11 30 11:35:09 11:44:01 532 0:08:52
11 30 12:00:19 12:00:26 7 0:00:07
11 30 12:10:38 12:17:11 393 0:06:33
11 30 12:27:22 13:08:28 2466 0:41:06
11 30 13:18:40 14:13:40 3300 0:55:00
11 30 15:39:13 15:39:42 29 0:00:29
11 30 15:49:53 15:51:22 89 0:01:29
11 30 16:01:33 16:02:02 28 0:00:28
11 30 16:12:13 16:12:44 31 0:00:31
Total Sleep Time: 504:00:31
Start 1510041902
End 1512076364
Total Up Time: 565:07:42 89% Sleep 11% Wake

More experimenting. Put the My Cloud on a second router that was not connected to the internet nor had any other devices connected to it. The My Cloud was all alone. First time I’ve seen the device sleep continuously for more than a couple of hours. Five hours in this case of uninterrupted sleep time

12 03 08:24:35 08:24:57    22  0:00:22
12 03 10:57:04 10:57:27    23  0:00:23
12 03 11:07:40 11:13:38   358  0:05:58
12 03 11:23:52 11:24:12    20  0:00:20
12 03 12:44:22 12:44:45    23  0:00:23
12 03 12:54:58 13:05:20   622  0:10:22
12 03 16:18:19 16:18:42    23  0:00:23
12 03 16:28:55 16:56:25  1650  0:27:30
12 03 17:06:38 17:13:42   424  0:07:04
12 03 17:23:55 17:26:31   156  0:02:36
12 03 17:38:47 17:39:10    23  0:00:23
12 03 18:19:03 18:20:14    71  0:01:11
12 03 18:30:27 18:33:56   209  0:03:29
12 04 06:41:43 06:42:06    23  0:00:23
12 04 06:52:19 07:03:58   699  0:11:39
12 04 07:22:22 07:23:48    86  0:01:26
12 04 07:34:01 07:34:24    23  0:00:23
12 04 07:44:37 07:45:00    23  0:00:23
12 04 08:55:34 08:55:56    22  0:00:22     <---- Put My Cloud on separate independent router
12 04 09:06:11 09:06:34    23  0:00:23
12 04 09:16:47 09:29:31   764  0:12:44
12 04 09:39:44 10:00:10  1226  0:20:26
12 04 10:15:37 10:16:00    22  0:00:22
12 04 10:26:13 10:29:31   197  0:03:17
12 04 10:39:44 16:01:10 19286  5:21:26     <---- Longest I've seen the My Cloud sleep
12 04 16:11:23 17:01:32  3009  0:50:09
12 04 17:11:45 17:47:25  2140  0:35:40
12 04 17:57:38 18:47:06  2968  0:49:28
Total Sleep Time: 31:49:28
Start 1511992924
End 1512431226
Total Up Time: 121:45:02 26% Sleep 74% Wake

Will do more experimenting but this appears to indicate that something on my local network is triggering the My Cloud to wake from sleep. Not sure if its the ISP router, the one Roku running, or if its the mobile phone WiFi connection causing the wake ups.

Have the /etc/rc2.d/S98user-start script modified with the following entries:

/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server stop
/etc/init.d/nfs-common stop
/etc/init.d/upnp_nas stop
/etc/init.d/mDNSResponder stop
/etc/init.d/wdphotodbmergerd stop
/etc/init.d/wdnotifierd stop
/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop
/etc/init.d/wddispatcherd stop
/etc/init.d/restsdk-serverd stop
mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /dev/root /

And the /usr/local/sbin/ script modified:

    smartTestStatus=` | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ "$standby_enable" == "enabled" ] && [ "$sleepcount" -eq "$standby_time" ] && [ "$smartTestStatus" != "inprogress" ]; then
        touch /tmp/standby
        enterStandbyTime=`date +%s`
        echo "Enter standby"
        if [ "$1" == "debug" ]; then
                echo "`date`: Enter standby "
                dmesg -c > /dev/null

        # added sync/sleep code to deal with 7/8 second wakeups (12/1/17)
        sleep 5
        sleep 5
        sleep 5

        for i in ${drivelist[@]}; do
                hdparm -y $i >/dev/null

        # turn on solid blue if applicable LED_EV_DISK_STBY LED_STAT_IN_PROG
        sleep 5

What was going on between 18:33:56 and 06:41:43? Looks like the system was running for 12 hours.

I turn the My Cloud off at night. Which isn’t reflected by the sleep.awk script I’m using.