I am SO frustrated.
I’ve owned my MyCloud for over a year now and am STILL dealing with non-sleep issues.
I have followed as much advice as I can that I’ve been able to find in these scattered threads and from WDs own advice, but I’m STILL having the no sleep problem.
Come on WD - take this problem seriously. Next time I need to upgrade I’ll be looking at other providers.
There should at the very least by some sort of dashboard item that lets me see what’s keeping my device “busy” and spinning non-stop.
Instead the best that’s offered is this link here:
which is a LONG laundry list of things to try/“shots in the dark” that a) would take a very long time to get through as you try each, restart and wait to see if they worked or not and b) is very intimidating and hard to understand for an average user.
I’ve tried as many as I can and I still have the problem. (although after changing from DHCP to Static IP the drive did sleep - but only for about 2 hours!)
I’ve downloaded the server logs and scoured the “user.log” for clues and found a lot of “7 second” wake ups and “notice restsdk[6124]: watch.go:109: Stat(), error: stat /tmp/dynamicconfig.ini: no such file or directory” errors - both apparently known issues for some time now.
I then searched the boards and found myself messing in SSH, downloading Putty and inputting linux command lines to “kill processes” etc. - non of which I’m very comfortable with, but which I tried and still didn’t work for me anyway…
I’m done!
So many of us have this problem and I’m sure that the solutions ARE here, strewn about all the community threads on this issue.
WD should be able to do better. I currently own a MyBook Live, MyCloud and a standalone MyBook. In other words I could be seen as pretty loyal to WD. The lack of attention to this frustrating problem will cause me to look elsewhere for my next drive purchase…
Hopefully there’ll be some progress in the next firmware release (if there ever is one), else, Sayanora WD!