Static IP address (mistyped)


I need help.
I enter a static IP address on MyCloud device, but instead I made a mistake and entered
Of course now I can not access the device.

Windows (networking) do not see the device, can not access the dashboard through web browser…
Which is the easiest way to change the IP address to proper address (, ie, reset the network settings.
I read the manual, but does not say what to do if you enter the wrong static IP address!

Use the rear button reset method, for details refer to the manual…

Alternatively, I think this will work.

If you know how to set your LAPTOP / PC IP you could change the IP on your laptop to match the numbers you mis-typed (except for the last digit of course) make a note of your current settings first, then plug your “my cloud” directly into your laptop/PC.

You’ll probably need to turn wi-fi off if it’s a laptop 1st and reboot to use the new IP.

You should be able then to access the webpage on the “my cloud” and correct the IP, then unplug and return your Laptop/PC IP to what it was.

I would only do this though if your familiar with windows and setting up networks. :wink: