Sq-040400-308-20150924 lost SSH access

Updated to the latest firmware, sq-040400-308-20150924,  today and as usual I got the host key failure warning. I went ahead and removed the key etc. However now I am unable to ssh with any of the accounts. I even tried disabling ssh and re-enabling and trying it again with the “root/welc0me” account and no dice. Tried the old password as well and nothing. The dashboar/UI works fine with the same passwords. Anyone else having this issue?

$ ssh root@wdmycloud.local
root@wdmycloud.local's password:
Permission denied, please try again.  

I did a support dump via the dashboard and the logs are showing this: Could the default password have changed from “welc0me” ??

2015-09-29T07:50:53.014672-07:00 di=Dnez1cV4jl info sshd[15634]: Failed password for root from X.X.X.X port 64666 ssh2

Could the default password have changed from “welc0me” ??

The release notes hint that this is probably the case: go to the Dashboard, disable and re-enable SSH access, and I suspect it will ask you to enter a password, other than the default ‘welc0me’, which was (sensibly) perceived as a security threat:

“Addressed known command injection, SSH default password and CSRF security vulnerabilities”

Yeah that is what I thought as well but nope. It does not prompt you just displays the generic root/welc0me user/password prompt.

You always used to be able to change the password. Have you tried that?

I haven’t installed a firmware upgrade since 422. I’m waiting for the bugs to be ironed out, which, on the face of things at the moment, may be some time…

It doesn’t prompt you to change root password via the UI. I was finally able to fix the problem by doing a “System Only” restore. From there unforunately I had to recreate users/shares but it did allow my to ssh via the default root/welc0me password which then I was able to change via SSH.

I deleted ,ssh, which also deleted know_hosts containing old RSA key.

I got some nasty reading messages, but was able to log in. File know_hosts was repopulated.

Hello all, 

We have passed this along to support.