I’ve got the “MyCloud” (plain, no suffixes); just updated to firmware version 2.41.116.
After the update, I can no longer access the device via ssh. First of all, it seems that /root gets wiped at each reboot, so my /root/.ssh/authorized_hosts file containing my ssh keys for passwordless login was unhelpfully removed. I would love a fix for that (i’ve got scripts that automatically ssh and need this) but I already know about that and was prepared to log in using my password and put the file back. But it no longer recognizes my ssh password which I have saved in my keychain:
Permission denied, please try again.
So I poke around in the UI interface and find under Settings > Network > Network Services > SSH > Configure that I can set a password. So I set it to what my password should be, and it seems to “take”. But… I try a new ssh session and it still doesn’t work!
I’ve always logged in with root@, but I also tried using my username from the web login - that didn’t work either. I tried turning ssh off and back on. Still didn’t work. I tried rebooting the device again. No luck!
I do everything with this device through ssh (mostly via rsync) so without ssh access this device is basically useless to me. The device is remote so if I have to do something physically with the device it will be out of service until I can make the trip and my nightly scripts will start failing. Help?