Sorry, there is no video.
Basically you just need to edit,
change the below data:
db=‘/restsdk/data/db/index.db’ #where the file DB is stored example: /data/db/index.db
filedir=‘/restsdk/data/files’ #where the files are stored example: /restsdk/data/files
dumpdir=‘/location/to/dump/files/to’ #where you want the new files dumped example:/EXTERNAL/FILES
then run the python script
i think as long as u have those PATH right, it will copy and recover to “dumpdir”
Thanks. My question, and sorry … how can o run the script ? Wich commands I have to do on terminal on Linux ? (Ubuntu) ? This will make a copy where ? I decide where I want the copy changing the paths ?
Could you please help me check the script?
After I tried to run your script (python I found some error as png files attached.
What’s wrong with this script?
Hello i have same problem with wd my cloud 4tb disk function perfectly
but i have a problem with python script
when i modify path
run script python but exit this message:
RESTART: /Users/mariozottoli/Desktop/mycloud-restsdk-recovery-script-master/
Opening database…/rError opening database at /Desktop/index.db
Do see partitions from sdb1 to sdb24 of which I was able to mount only 18 to 22, altogether 5 partitions out of 24.
sdb18 - 34MB - fat32
sdb19; sdb20; sdb21 - all three partitions each are of 839MB - Ext4
sdb22 and sdb22 - both are of equal size 2.1GB - Ext4
The biggest partition sdb24 - 1.4TB and sdb23 - 2.1GB were not able to mount
I have around 250GB of data to be restored. I am not able to find ‘/restsdk/data/db/index.db’ and ‘/restsdk/data/files’, from partitions 18 to 23. Appreciate if you could help me where to find these. Thank you for your time.
it should be attached to the last partition which in your case is under partition 24.
once you mount it you will see the restsdk folder.
I’ve also updated the code to change the way its copy the data so it could include the metadata.
while also I’ve created a way to recover files which provided some error during the copy process
Furthermore there is an option to create an email notification once the recovery process is completed.
That Python script worked for me too. My son managed to run this under Windows with the drivers from Paragon (10 day trial) and some edit in the script.
Hi @KHALiDiSH, appreciate for all your help. testdisk could not recover my harddisk. May be last option for me is to go to Data recovery guys. If you know any other software pls advise.
Not I’m aware of at the moment but I would recommend using Paragon software to try to remount the last partition, where it might solve the last partition mounting issue due to maybe a bad sector. Once that worked then you might run the python script to recover your data.
Hello All,
I have the same problem. I have a 4TB mycloud home and it stopped working after a firmware update.
I want to use @chrixtopher method to backup my data but i wasnt able to mount the sdb24 drive. I get this can’t read superblock error when it try to mount. Has anyone faced this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.