Please help.
Im a first time user who doesn’t really understand how to get this all to work.
Firstly I would like individual users set up with password accounts (just like windows users)
secondly I am using android and really don’t get the app! How does the app work and how can I backup my phone to my user account (as above) with password??
thirdly can I stop anyone who has access to my network from using the my cloud drive?
I’ve managed to create a user and enter my email but I don’t seem to be getting the confirmation emails so I can get a mycloud account. Its not going into any spam folder as that’s the 1st place I check. Im using a email. Any ideas???
I’ve got as far as putting in my email but then it says it should send an email to confirm your account. I never get these emails so when I try and login it doesn’t work!