Setup a remote backup


I have two DL4100 NASs, one is off site location and trying to setup a remote backup seems like an impossible mission.

I’ve enabled SSH and Remote server including port forwarding in both locations (on the NAS and routers)

when I create a job and choose WD DL4100, and do the login, it does list the remote location, after choosing it, entering the ip address, passwords and trying to brows for destination

I keep getting “Invalid Remote Backup Password. Try again.”

I’ve tripled checked everything

am I forgetting something?

any help would be very much appreciated



Would it be possible to test it on the local lan first?  I am thinking perhaps it may be using some ports it is not telling us about.

And you might try resetting  the password to something simple for testing without any special characters etc.  password for example

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Hi Gramps

Actually the two units were first setup on site and then I moved one unit off site.

I did do an a trial run on a lan and it worked great, over the internet I can’t seem to get it to work.

I was initially thinking process explorer but that is a winows program.  Perhaps wire shark.

If your routers supported VPN between the 2 sites or I suppose as a test if you put the second box in the DMZ to test maybe.

I just feel like it’s missing a port or firewall entry.

I never had two to test so this is all a WAG :frowning: