I’ve been working on getting Windows Server 2016 Essentials on my DS5100 systems. We had a purchasing error, and I ended up with 4 - DS5100.
I created a FAT32 8GB USB drive using diskpart, and made it active. Then copied the files from the Server 2016 Essentials iso file to it. I also copied to it GRAMPS Marvel driver, the Aspeed graphics driver, and the WD OEM Tweaks file from GRAMPS.
I boot from the USB drive, begin the server 2016 Essentials load, and have to load the Marvel driver so it can see my 240GB SSD boot drive. Loads fine, I go through the configuration to set domain name, hostname, etc.
I copy a directory from the USB I call DS5100 that has a couple of apps I like (notepad++ for editing, ccleaner, 7zip, and chrome browser) I copy the WD directory from WD OEM TWEAKS to C:. I also have a modified DriveList.xml file that includes my SSD drive and an entry for the 5TB Black drives.
After the reboots, I run (as administrator), or from elevated cmd window,
C:\WD\run_logged_install.bat, C:\WD\WdLcdSetup_PreInstall.bat, then WdInstall.bat.
I have found that after that reboot, the LCD is working, but the DriveList isn’t being used. Although the Dashboard now has the WD things added to it, and it shows software version, everything isn’t all there. There are several file differences between the WD OEM TWEAKS and the WD zip file. (DriveList.msi being one of them). So I load the manual software update and point it to the Sentinel_firmware_2_2_10_18.zip file. After this update the DriveList.xml path has been added to the registry. I had to run the LCD setup bat file, and the msi file to get that working again. Also had to run the WdStorageSetup.msi to get the DriveList working. Copied in my modified DriveList.xml to C:\Program Files\Western Digital\Western Digital Drive List\DriveList.xml. The I got Green instead of Red for the drives in the Dashboard.
I installed the Windows Updates from Microsoft. Plugged in my 5TB drives. Still am not sure about how Storage Spaces calculates space, but I end up with 12TB for my 4 - 5TB drives. Also trying RAID 5 on another system, but the initialization is taking FOREVER!
Thus far everything is looking good! LCD working, Modified DriveList.xml is working. Still need to try connecting Windows 10 and 7 clients to it.
With Server 2012 R2 installed on 1 boot drive, if I install the “B” OS drive it will create the mirror automatically. On 2016 I can’t seem to get it to mirror the drives. In WD Raid Storage Utility it shows both drives. I tried creating the Raid manually. I can select the drives, and specify RAID 1. But then it gives an error, that one drive is the OS drive and is in use. Any ideas on that one?