For some reason doing the restore broke the access to my drive for Chrome on my Mac. Works for other browsers. Have tried clearing the cache but didn’t help.
Getting really tired of all the issues with this device.
I decided to create a sharepoint on My Cloud A. So I went into the dashboard and created the sharepoint on my other My Cloud B. I told it not to start the backup until 2am tomorrow.
After the sharepoint was created. I noticed that the other My Cloud B was mounted on My Cloud A as // 5809669936 189631276 5620038660 4% /media/WDSAFE/182363853338136281313974967723235549772. On My Cloud B in the Public directory was a folder named _WDPROT/WDSAFE/test_share. In this folder were one file and three directories. backup shares system. I also noticed that there was a cron job in /etc/cron.d/WDSAFE Which looked as follows:
0 2 1 2 * root sudo perl /usr/local/NSPT/WDSafe/ --operation=create --handle=182363853338136281313974967723
This says to start at 2AM in the morning
to create the safepoint. is the safepoint manager code. It is written in perl.
Now I know that the connection between My Cloud A and the safepoint on My Cloud B is a mounted filesystem.
Take a look at the info file created on the sharepoint system. It has information about the system that created the sharepoint including its ip address. Which might create problems if it changes.
I am well aware of the existence of the .info file - I use it to remotely monitor progress of the safepoint create. However I don’t see how that helps at all in resolving my issue.
When you talk about sharepoints in your post above, don’t you mean safepoints?
Yes it is called safepoint. The error code 1100 is a failed to create.“1100”
You can also look into the wdnas.log for messages about safepoints. This information was to help other people look into the way safepoints are handled.
This morning I checked the log and found a error 1100. Which indicates that it failed to create. But when I go to the backup system and look at the test_share folder it looks like everything was copied correctly.
I had the same happen yesterday when experimenting with Safepoint and an external USB hard drive. Got the 1100 error and the “the safepoint is in an invalid state, try updating to fix the problem” message on the Safepoint screen. Doing a System Only restore then setting up a new Safepoint from the Dashboard worked for me. No longer get either message when doing a Safepoint update to the external USB drive.
Also tried to do the update it failed also. Not sure why because it looks like all files were copied over to the backup system. In fact it backed up folders that I didn’t want backed up. I thought it would only backup Public. But it backed up everything mounted to /nfs.
Safepoint create failed yet again with error 1100. I have tried 3 different FW versions, factory restore and still it doesn’t work. Safepoints are broken functionality on this device.
WD support has so far failed to resolve this problem.
I hate WD My Cloud. Worst product ever.
Log follows:
Event title:There was an error creating your safepoint.
Event description:2 - There was an error creating your safepoint Main on the Passport_Ultra share on WDMyCloud.
I would be suspicious of that external hard drive rather than the MyCloud. It has been reported (somewhere here) that some hard drives are not a happy fit with the MyCloud, and size also seems to be an issue…
What native format is the drive?
And what size is this drive and what size is your MyCloud?
Have you tried using a different external hard drive or different network location to store the safepoint?
I’d also make sure there is no _ (underscore) or special characters in the external hard drive name too just to be on the safe side. For example rename Passport_Ultra to PassportUltra then try a new Safepoint backup to the drive.
If you check for your safepoint mount name using “df” command. YOu can then cd to that mount point. You should see a folder called _WDPROT inside that folder will be a folder called WDSAFE. Inside that folder will be your safepoint backups. Mine was called test_share. in this folder is the .info file for the safepoint along with three folders called backup shares and system. The shares folder will have your backup files.
2016-02-01T08:58:34.717310-08:00 di=Q8BW7BEPwI err logger: ERROR: CopyHandler(501): Failed to complete rsync command to copy data - rsync failed with error, 24
2016-02-01T08:58:34.717466-08:00 di=Q8BW7BEPwI err logger: ERROR: CopyHandler(531): Failed to copy data from /DataVolume/shares to /var/media/Passport_Ultra//_WDPROT/WDSAFE/Main/shares
2016-02-01T08:58:34.722782-08:00 di=Q8BW7BEPwI err logger: ERROR: SafeptRunHandler(1358): 305503205734702764497429295211298619239: Failed to process shares to Safe-Point
2016-02-01T08:58:34.813396-08:00 di=Q8BW7BEPwI err logger: ERROR: SafeptRunHandler(352): 305503205734702764497429295211298619239: Safe-Point Run Failed
2016-02-01T08:58:42.123566-08:00 di=Q8BW7BEPwI err logger: ERROR: safeptExec(1036): OUTPUT Status: FAILED; Failed to complete rsync command to copy data - rsync failed with error, 24
Status: FAILED; Failed to complete rsync command to copy data - rsync failed with error, 24
And rsync error 24 is:
24 Partial transfer due to vanished source files
Does this mean any changes to source files while safepoint create is running will cause safepoint create failure? Considering that it takes at least 2 days to create the safepoint, I would need to ensure that no backups are done during that period. If that’s the case, then its just another reason why this device is so useless.
Different error than mine. The log is completely useless in identifying the error that caused the failure (as is my log).
I am running an update now, but I doubt it will fix the error. The update is redoing the entire safepoint create. I would have hoped that there was some speed improvement by the fact that over 1TB was already copied during the first create, but it looks like its doing it all again.